[Carl Grimes] The Birds Song

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You and Carl share watch tower duty- and when you accidentally friend-zone him while on the job, he has a surprising reaction.

Guard Tower.

Fence Watch.


That's exactly how your day went. Ten hours a day, six days a week, four weeks a month andifty two weeks a year. Things got boring around the prison, as far as 'safe' went. As much as you liked to help out, working so much was hard and the only good thing about it was Carl Grimes, your guard tower partner and best friend.

Your schedule became somewhat robotic, after two hours of guarding the prison at the tower, you slowly shifted down by the fence and after impaling dozens of walkers, you trudged down to the crop field where you would have to harvest your own lunch which remained the same every day. Tomatoes and peas. Wierd huh? Yes. After all, the world was in a harsh condition. Some would kill to eat what you ate.

This morning was cold, a cool breeze snaked around the corner every minute, sending shivers up your back so reluctantly you got dressed and decided to get an early start on your work. By the time you made it up to the guard tower, Carl was already there. The poor boy was always beginning his shifts early. Probably because he couldn't sleep, at least that was what you had assumed.

"Morning Y/N." Carl says, pushing himself off the rail and approaching you.

"Morning Carl."

He gave you your usual friendzoned hug and returned to the rail, where he anxiously waited for the slightest thing to happen.

"Quiet morning?" You ask. He nods.

"Every morning is."

You stand beside him, leaning off the rails and denying yourself the fear of looking below you. The guard tower was awfully high for someone with a fear of heights.

"How was your sleep anyway. Last night was really cold." You hug yourself, trying to keep in any speck of body heat that your body could contain.

"It was alright. Nightmares of course. Having my own cell isn't as good as it puts out to be."
You smile, debating with yourself whether or not to make an offer. Carl saw you as a best friend from what you knew, it was time you started acting like one.
"Theres a spare cot in my cell. It's not as nice as yours obviously but if you're having trouble sleeping alone you can sleep across from me. It'll be just like...school camp?"

He laughs. "I'll take you up on that offer. Cheers Y/N."

You smile, shaking your head. "No worries. You're my best friend."

Carl's smile turns into a frown and he looks away. You look away as well, mentally slapping yourself. You literally friendzoned him times one thousand, no wonder he does it to you.

"Is everything okay?" you ask. Carl turns to you, smashing his lips into yours. You jump back, surprised. Though eventually you kiss back. You've only ever kissed someone once before, and that shouldn't have happened. Carl pulls away, bowing his head.

"I'm sorry. I had to." he says. You shake your head.

"Don't be sorry. Was that your first kiss?"

Carl nods and you smile, pulling him in a hug and just standing there, breathing in his scent, holding him tightly. In that moment, you vowed to yourself, to never let him go.

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