[Daryl Dixon] Knocked Up

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You break the news to Daryl that you're pregnant.
[requested by infiniteconnection ]
[INFO: set in prison, could be part of Beau imagines but it's optional]

"You're leaving?" You gripped the railing of the metal cot and bit your lip, watching as Daryl pulled on his vest.
"Yeah. This afternoon." He huffed, sitting beside you and sliding on his boots. You on the other hand, lied against the wall, dressed in a loose long sleeve shirt and light pyjama pants. Your hair could only be described as 'bed-hair' and your face was still disgruntled by being woken up. Daryl, however, looked unfazed by the morning, and was up and ready to go.
"I wanted to talk to you about something?" You croaked, letting go of the metal bar on the bed. He glanced over at you, raising his eyebrow.
You pondered over it for a second. How could you do it? How could you outright just say that you were pregnant? There wasn't a good moment, and no matter how hard you wanted to deny it, you just weren't sure how he'd react.

Daryl wasn't like just any other guy. He was different. Intimacy was never something he understood. His parents didn't love each other, his father didn't love him. He'd never been with anybody before you and for that, it took an enormous amount of trust. For a while, you were always the one to instigate the kisses, and then when he got more comfortable with the thought of companionship and love, he warmed to the idea of PDA. Some days he'd pull you close and hold you right in the middle of the crowded prison corridors, other days, he'd be so shy that you'd wonder if something bad had happened. He was hard to figure out.

To this day, you still didn't know whether it had been you that he lost his virginity to. He was an older guy, but he never really trusted anybody enough to share that kinda moment with. Until you- and it happened well after the two of you had moved into a cell together and pushed two small cots alongside each other.

It was a privilege to know that Daryl loved you. You were someone he could give his heart to. Someone he could count on to always be there for him at the end of the day. But now, the second you broke the news to him that you were pregnant, you no longer owned all of his heart. The unborn child rose as someone for Daryl to love. Someone for Daryl to care about. Someone that he'd have by his side for the rest of his life- and that was a lot to break to him.

So of course there wasn't the perfect way to tell him...and maybe there never would be.

"Yeah." You cocked your head to the side, glancing down at your stomach for a second. It was so weird, to think about your body as a home. To think there was a tiny heartbeat somewhere in that body of yours.
"We need to talk."
He nodded, sliding down beside you on the bed. You shifted, now facing him.
He looked so prepared. So prepared to hear anything. Hear that you felt sick, or that you were mad at him, or that you wanted to get married. He looked like he was prepared to hear anything. Anything but the one thing you had to say. That he was going to be a father.
"I-I'm pregnant." You stuttered, feeling tears prickle at the corners of your eyes.

It wasn't that you were upset. You just felt different. Like suddenly you could feel the earth move around you. Suddenly everything mattered so much more, because you were both about to be parents.

He was silent for a long time, and his face went unreadable. His expression showed nothing but the fact that he was thinking.
"I'm sorry." You sighed, a tear tricking down your face.
He looked up, his face going from unreadable to concerned. He reached his hand up, cupping your face with one hand and wiping the tear away with the other.
"Don't be." He quietly said, letting go of your face and taking your hand in his. "This mean I'm gonna be a dad?"

You breathed out, closing your eyes and taking in a deep breath.
"Yeah...it does."
He nods. "I'm gonna be here with you, kay, sweet heart?"
You nod back, squeezing your eyes together to stop the tears.
"Hey, you okay? Come ere'" he wrapped you in his arms and you cried into his chest.
"Daryl..." You sobbed. "I'm so scared."

It was the fact that you were now going to be a mother. You were going to have this precious little being, half of you and half of the man you loved, to take care of for the rest of your life. Maybe it wasn't Daryl's reaction that you were scared of all along. Maybe it was yours.

"I love you." He stated, so clearly that you had no doubt it was real. He never said things like that- he mainly showed it with his actions.
It meant a lot to have reassurance. To have someone there by your side.
"Daryl..." You trembled, clutching at him desperately. You held him with dear life, like at any moment something could sweep you away. You didn't want to let go. You wanted to stay close to him forever. "Don't you leave me. Please don't leave me."

He shook his head, pulling you tighter.
"Ain't a damn chance."

HEY!!! That was a short one!! I'm lacking ideas so will you guys please request??? Also, thinking about updating this Carl fic that I wrote ages ago on another website. It got quite popular once I finished it so I thought I might as well post it. Tell me what y'all think. Love you  AND BYESSSS

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