[Carl Grimes] Leaders

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You and Carl always have differences because you both have such strong and brave personalities and you dislike each other because of it.
When Carl walks in on Carol teaching the kids how to use knives he storms out. Carol sends you to go and talk to him and you end up learning you probably should have gotten to know each other before hating each other.

It was early morning in the prison and not many were awake, those that were awake were either huddled in the small library or outside, working hard to attend to the rapid growing crops. Carol sat down on a chair in front of us, reading a slightly boring book. Of course, you weren't here for the story, you were here because a little birdy had told you that something else was going to go down today.

There were muffled and quiet rumours floating around the prison, everyone had their own suspicions on why Carol had insisted to read the kids stories while they could read themselves, but nobody questioned her. Thing is, you'd assumed she'd probably wanted to get out of work.

Carol's drone of a voice read the story, a boring book by the name of 'How To Hutch The Neighbours'. It was a story about a lady who had committed a crime and how she had died of guilt. You didn't know exactly why they had chosen this for a prison library, you guess to show the inmates that crimes would always go punished, that in a morbid way, justice never sleeps.
Together about eight children sat, most crossed legged with their heads resting on their hands. You of course had been lost the whole time, this story was a complete blur and you would have much rather be in the guard tower doing something useful to the prison. Not attending 'baby-like' activities as such.

One thing you were proud of, was that Carl Grimes, your so called enemy had decided he didn't want to attend the reading session. Guess because he thought he was too much of a man but we all knew that was a lie.

You still don't know why you and Carl have conflict...maybe because you both aspired to be leaders and both in your opinion would be leader material. It was like two alpha males (except you aren't a male of course) meeting each other. Of course, there was going to be conflict.

Then again, you did find yourself attracted to Carl and you hoped he had felt the same way. There was always a playful tease behind the way you two acted together, picking on the slightest things, correcting each other when you did the smallest bit wrong. Though the way you treated each other wasn't nice, in a way, the relationship you two had helped you focus on work. If you guys didn't hate each other, you loved each other.

You turn your attention on Carol, the un amused look on her face. Slowly, she places the book down and turns to the side, pulling up a box.

"Today we're going to be learning about knives. How to use them, hold them and keep them."

The colour fades from the children's face, Patrick, a painfully weak sixteen year old boy looks as if he is going to be sick. You don't because you've been defending yourself since the beginning. The look of the knife didn't do the slightest thing to your gut.
Carol continues talking about it but your attention is elsewhere, you don't see why you really need to be here anymore.

Instead you focus on Carols eyes, which are drawn to the back of the room, her lips slowly part as fear spreads over her face.
"Please don't tell your father." she whispers.

You shoot your head back, looking at Carl, who stands at the back by the door, almost surprised. He makes eye contact with you, before turning on his heel and exiting the library.
Carol is silent, her lips pressed in a thin line. Her eyes wander to you, parting her lips and beginning her plea,
"Y/N, would you speak to Carl? If he tells Rick...well...just, please talk to him okay?"
You nod, pushing yourself up from the ground and turning away from her. Silently walking to the back as Carol continues her talk about knives.

It doesn't take you long to find Carl, he's in his cell, crossed legged in the corner reading corny comics. Trash on paper, you often called it when talking to him. His eyes wander to you as he reads, slowly putting his comic down.
"What do you want?" He spits. You smirk, sitting across from him.
"I want you to keep your mouth shut? Can you do that?!" You ask, enlarging your eyes at him and tucking a strand of hair behind your ears.
"Why should I? You want me to lie to my dad?" He argues.

You smile, shaking your head. "Didn't think you'd have much of a problem with that, seeing as you've lied to him countless times before."
He cuts his eyes at you, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You know! Just who do you think you are, coming into my cell and asking me to lie to my father?!"
"I think I'm Y/N." You smirk. Carl glares at you and you smile at him, smelling slight victory. Your eyes fixed on his blue ones.

"Why should I not tell him? Carol's breaking the rules." He spits. You shake your head.
"Because she's teaching those kids how to defend themselves, they're weak. If they learn it could be a matter of life and death. Come on Carl. Be a good person for once in your life." Okay, you lied about that one, Carl was a good person.

"Fine. Just-" He begins.

"Just what?" You ask, pinching your leg. You notice Carl inching closer, his face getting closer to you. Slowly his lips are on your and you feel your heartbeat go very fast. At first, your so surprised you stay frozen in position but then you kiss back. You may have play hated Carl but you did have feelings towards him, that was undeniable. It was only now, that he had his lips on yours that you could confirm he felt the same way.
Carl pulls away, avoiding eye contact with you. You smirk.

"What did you do that for?" You ask. He rolls his eyes.
"Oh come on Y/N. You like me. I know you do." He teases. You cross your arms over your chest.

"Um excuse me, I thought I earned the right to be the judge of that!"

He laughs, leaning in to kiss you once more.

"Yeah, well, judging by the fact that you didn't push me away."

You smile, huffing slightly.

"Well Carl Grimes. Why on earth would any girl push you away?"

He nods, shrugging. "That's a very good point Y/N. Why would they, I'm fabulous."

You smirk.

"Okay Grimes. Keep telling yourself that."

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