[Daryl Dixon] A Blatant Wound

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You clean Daryl's graze after Andrea shoots him from mistaking him as a walker.
[info: set in season two]

You'd been sitting by Lori in front of Carl's bed when you heard the gunshot. It was loud, clear and rung through the house like a church bell.
"Oh god!" Lori muttered, turning to you.
"Can I?" You asked her, noticing a look of fear the gunshot had caused.
"Of course, I'll be fine."

Her son Carl had recently been shot and while he was healing, Lori had been stuck by his side on an old plastic porch chair. You kept her company most of the time and when she went to eat or rest you would get out a book and read to Carl for her.
He was getting better, thanks to Hershel Greene. Before all this you'd had quite a lot of experience with nursing. Part of the glory that came with growing up and choosing a career. With Hershel being only a veterinarian and you being a majored nurse, Lori had said she'd felt much better with you by Carl's healing side.

You stood up, brushing off your jeans and poking a head down into the hallway.
"What is it?" You asked Shane who was sprinting through the hallways.
"It's Dixon!" He yelled back to you, out of breath. "He's been shot."
Your stomach flipped and a lump formed in your throat.
"Is it bad?" You asked him, feeling goosebumps raise on your arms.
"No." He quickly replied, turning around. You could see Rick, Dale and T-Dog carrying Daryl Dixon up the stairs. He had passed out. God, he looked awful. His body was covered in a thick layer of dirt, grime and blood. Mostly which leaked out of a wound on his head.
"Hershel?" You asked, to anyone that would answer.
"Out with the horses. Y/n, sweetheart, we're gonna need your help with this one." Dale called out to you, entering the spare bedroom.
You nodded, sprinting to the end of the hallway and into Hershel's bathroom, where he kept his simple first aid kit. You grabbed it in your arms and sprinted back into the spare bedroom, where the boys had lied Daryl on the bed. Yeah, he really did look awful. 

Rick stood against the wall, watching you as you placed the first aid kit on the side table.
You took your hands and turned Daryl's head. He was still unconscious but his wound had stopped bleeding.
"It's just a graze." You told Rick, wiping it over with a swab. "Could've been fatal,  if he had stepped to the right a little..." You continued to clean it. "How did this happen anyway?"
Rick cleared his throat.
"Andrea, she thought it was a walker."
You scoffed.
"That girl is dim. You'd think she'd take a look at it through her scope first? You know, like...common sense?" You restrained yourself from cursing. It was no lie you didn't like Andrea. Everything about her just felt so 'look at me! Look at me!' You felt like she was constantly trying to prove herself and it angered you.
Rick smuggled a laugh. "I can't argue with you."

You began applying butterflies stitches to Daryl's head, then fished through the first aid kit for a bandage.
"I've got this one, Rick. Go sit with Lori, she could use some company."
He obeyed, silently leaving the room. You lifted Daryl's head up, his hair soaked with sweat. Slowly you began wrapping the white bandage, careful not to cover his eyes.
"That looks about right..." You told yourself, looking up and down his body. A small sigh escaped your lips as you spotted a red smudge on Hershel's white bedsheets, right by Daryl's hip.
"What?" You mumbled, taking two fingers to peel up his singlet. Ignoring his incredibly attractive lower abdomen. You saw an entry and exit wound of what could only be cause by an arrow going clean through his waist.

Oh god, you weren't equipped for this, he needed stitches and pain killers.
Daryl was a tough man though, so you fished through some of Hershel's medical supplies and pulled out a needle and thread.

After you were finished sewing up the entrance wound, you left Daryl in his bed. You'd go check on him when he woke- but first you had a bone to pick. Which was with Andrea.

You found her bent over on the steps of the RV, rifle lying down on the ground next to her.
"Andrea." You called, in your sternest voice. "Real nice one, you know, almost killing Dixon."
She looked at you with utter disgust in her face.
"Excuse me?" Andrea stood up from her seat on the stairs.
"He could have died." You crossed your arms over your chest and leant against a nearby tree.
"Look Y/n. I've self reflected on what I've done. I know damn well I could have killed him. Guess what?! I'm sorry. God knows I made a mistake. If this is about your little crush on Dixon and your need to prove your feelings, save it, we all know, including Daryl."

You blinked a few times, licking your lips and uncrossing your arms.
You'd have liked nothing more than to tear that look off her face- but you just stood there.
"I don't want you near any guns, hear me?" You told her, picking up the rifle by the RV and taking it in your arms.
"And who're you to say?" She argued, walking beside you as you entered the RV.
"Someone who'll kick your ass if you don't obey. I don't want you 'accidentally'," emphasis on the bunny-ears "shooting me, or anyone else in this goddamn camp. Lord knows with poor Carl in his sleep, we've got enough of that going on. So stay away from the guns? Okay."
You felt like using explicits, like taking a more aggressive tone but everything you had told her in your blinded rage had made sense. A man was unconscious because of her low count for sensibility.

After packing away her gun, you stormed back up the farm to Hershel's house. As you got in there, you noticed Carol leaning by the door.
"He awake?" You asked her. She nodded.
"What was all that with you and Andrea?" She asked you, her voice almost a whisper.
"Oh...uh- nothing. I'm gonna go check on Daryl. You know..." You shrugged, turning the doorknob. "See how he's feeling...the man did get shot?"
She nodded and you entered the room, noticing Daryl sitting up. You stumbled, the blood rushing to your cheeks.

"You're up already? God, Daryl, you shouldn't be sitting up." You scolded him, a worried look setting upon your face.
"Ain't nothin but a scratch." He replied, his voice sounding tired. He looked tired. You scoffed in response.
"I'm the one person that won't believe that nonsense. I saw your wounds. I'm the one who patched you up. I'm telling you," you placed your hand on his shoulder and urged him to lie down, he did so. "Shouldn't sit up. You'll break your stitches."

"Thanks for doing this for me." He mumbled.
You smiled. "Yeah, no worries."
He smiled slightly. "Heard you gave Andrea a mouthful?"
You beamed. "Who else to give someone a mouthful than the queen herself?"
He half smiled again. "Thanks, I owe you."
"Yeah. You can repay me by resting. I don't want to have to re-stitch you. That would be awful for the both of us."
His smile didn't leave his face, he beamed at you, despite being in complete pain. It was weird seeing Daryl smile. It was amazing but weird.
"Daryl, you've gone soft." You whispered, brushing a piece of hair out of his face.
"There's that saying, misery wants company."
You pressed your lips together. "I'm glad she didn't shoot you in the head, Dixon."
He nodded. "Me too." He bowed his head. "I can't die though. I ain't in good terms with the lord- but he knows when it ain't the time to go. He knows that I ain't dying till I bring myself to stop bein' such a pussy and just make a move."
Your cheeks blushed bright red.
"What?" You asked, stuttering. He leaned forward real quick and pressed his lips onto yours.
When he pulled away, a wide grin surfaced on your face.
"That was the big move you weren't gonna die until you made?" You asked him, heart racing.
"Yah." He replied, lying back down with a groan.
"Well then, Daryl," you reached over, placing your index finger on the side table beside the bed.
"Touch wood. Cause I want more of us," you pointed to the bandage on his head. "And less of that."
He smiled again, making your heart beat fast.
"Yeah, you betcha."

Hey guys, what did you think of that? Leave me a comment down below and give me some feedback. I seem to get a lot more views on my Daryl imagines so I was wondering if you guys would like to see more of them? Or more Carl ones, Rick ones or Glenn ones. Please leave me some feedback, I love feedback.
Jo X

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