[Negan] The Bad Guy

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*not my gif PROMPT: Well, aren't you a lucky girl

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*not my gif
Well, aren't you a lucky girl. You've caught the eye of the devil.

Warning : *LOTS OF SWEAR WORDS. This is Negan, okay? I don't normally write curse words but like, it's Negan. I just can't do him without it.

It was cold. Your arms prickled with goosebumps and the hair on your forearm stood. You rubbed your hands together, gazing along the horizon with gritted teeth and a foul expression.
You weren't going to run. You were done running. It was time to face him.
"Oh my, have we been looking for you." His voice was deep. In any other circumstance, it'd be charming. Not this one.
"So then just do it, right? Kill me?" You growled, pulling out your knife. "Just try me."
He laughed, making your ears go red.
"Kill you? Who said anything about killing you?" He taunted.
"Come on." You growled. "I killed your men."
He shrugged. "So you single handedly took on some of my men? While looking hot as hell while you did so? Now, why the fuck would I want to kill you? You seem way too valuable for that."
You enlarged your eyes, blinking. With shaky hands, you held the knife out to him.

"I'm not gonna stop. You let me live and I'm gonna kill every man of yours that I see. So just kill me now."

Can he see? Can he see how much pain that you're in? Can he?

He looked over to his second in command, all of them just staring at you, waiting for their boss to do something. He just laughed.
"I think I'm in love."
It was a matter of seconds before he was swinging the side of his gun at your skull. Your brain bounced against the inside of your skull for a minute. Everything went fuzzy and colourful and then all of a sudden dark. You passed out. No, dammit. You were knocked out.

When you woke, you were lying in an empty room. At the far end of the room stood a man. He was buff and tall. You briefly remembered seeing him. He caught you as your eyes flickered open and he left the room, carrying a gun in his arms. He called out a word...and it sounded somewhat like 'Negan'. Negan...you thought to yourself. What kind of funny word is Negan?

"You're awake."

You were too captivated by your own thoughts to notice the re-appearance of the man you had dared to kill you. He had taken his leather jacket off - but he still held a baseball bat wrapped in thick dangerous looking barbed-wire. His muscles showed from his short sleeved black shirt. You bit your lip, not bothering to stand up. After all, you didn't know how long you'd be alive for. He rubbed his stubble with his fingers, as if he was thinking out your fate.
"Where am I?" You felt like breaking the silence was sin. Like there was no way you should have been talking. He sighed - and for some reason you felt emotions that you shouldn't have felt. You felt an energy from him. An energy which stood as the only indication that this man in front of you was human. Nobody was human. Nobody...not even yourself.

"You're home."

"No I'm not. You can't keep me here." You gritted your teeth, scrunching your fists into little balls. He shrugged, pacing around the room .

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