[Carl Grimes] Whatever

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The ASZ gets some new faces...and you just happen to find one of them extremely cute.
[new P-O-V, purely because this was going to start off as a fanfic but I changed my mind. Enjoy!]

The apocalypse never came with a rule-book. That's probably why everyone started acting buck wild straight from the start.
There were some people who offed themselves. Put their gun in their mouths and prayed the lord for forgiveness. Then gave that mighty trigger a pull and said goodbye to all things cruel and deadly and hello to all things pretty and gentle.
There were smart ones, the ones who packed away supplies and stored food packs. There were the even smarter ones, who looted weapons and the stuff that lasted longer first.
Then there were the dumb ones. The ones who stole TV's from the electronic shop and robbed people for their jewellery.
There were all sorts of people doing all sorts of things in the beginning.
Then there was me. I wasn't one of the smart ones and I wasn't one of the dumb ones. Maybe you could call me one of the foolish ones- because up until a year into the apocalypse I still believed there was help coming. Looking back, that seems worse than looting TV's. The army was never coming and every second anybody spent waiting for them, more dead people rose.

It all seems so disastrous- but I assumed the world had dealt with worse. Hurricanes, Tsunami's. Yet the second people started eating each other, we'd lost the game. I should have known things would only get worse with time -but it was only human instinct to try and keep my heartbeat.

I was sixteen years old and I most likely had the IQ of a child in middle school. My maths wasn't so hot but I could read and write. Most importantly, I knew how to use a gun and a knife. Basic self defence.

The kids that I shared my home with couldn't say any better for themselves. Ron liked to act tough, talk top-dog, but we all knew his brain was the size of a teeny tiny walnut. Mikey was bright- but the only knife he knew how to use was a butter knife and I bet it took him a lot of scolding from his mother to get to it. Enid, on the other hand, she was my kinda gal. She knew the ins and outs of almost everything.

Enid and I were content to go on runs outside of the walls, killing walkers and running around. We liked the kinda adrenaline rush you got from being out there. While we left the walls and rebelled, Ron was content with reading comics in his attic while Mikey smoked grass in the corner and complained about every Marvel superhero.
This was our little misfit family. This was what I was comfortable with.

I guess the teenage life was harder in the apocalypse than not. When I got my period, I thought I was dying. Do you know how humiliating that was? Walking up to Pete (Ron's father and the town's doc) complaining that my down under was bleeding? He went beet red when he broke the news to me- but I think I went even redder. Luckily his wife Jessie hooked me up with a few packets of tampons and gave me the friendly sex ed speech. I could get pregnant now, if being chased by zombies wasn't enough. Enid got hers a week after mine and I traded her a pack of tampons for her hairbrush. How lucky was I? If my period had waited two god damn weeks to come Enid could have tested the waters for me and I would have been able to look Ron straight in the eyes without him bringing up the 'almost death' situation.

If all that wasn't enough? If every stupid, sad, humiliating, angering or frustrating thing wasn't enough: Alexandria had gotten a group of new arrivals. A kid my age. A boy - and god damn was he hot.

I stuck to myself, just like Enid. But I couldn't help myself from staring at every chance I got. He was fresh meat- and the freshest meat I'd seen since Ron. And between us, Ron was the most un-freshest fresh meat there was.

Neither me or Enid had done anything to introduce ourselves. The most I'd heard was that his name was Carl and his father was the leader or his group.

In the morning, we'd met up with Mikey in Ron's bedroom and were both equally as shocked when Ron walked in with the boy. I could only look at him with my peripheral vision because of the nerves he sparked up- but his eyes stood out the most. They were a piercing blue- and it was inviting enough to look at him like a normal person. So I followed him with my gaze as Ron introduced him to us.
"That's Y/n. She'll probably bleed on you...so don't talk to her." Ron couldn't keep back his laughter as he introduced me- and I swear I could have punched him.
"Shut it, Ron." Enid sparked. Carl took nothing of the remark- maybe because he didn't understand it. Either way, he acted cool about it, giving me a light smile.
As much as I would've liked to have smiled back and been all cutesy, I was as red as anything and too focussed on not strangling Ron.
Mikey and Ron laughed for a while and I stared at my hands.
"Come on." Enid cood, taking my hand. "Let's leave."

I nod, standing up and following her out of the room. My eyes caught Carl's as I left- and I somehow really wanted to stay. I wanted to hear more about his story. I also didn't want to kill a human being, so it was probably best that I put space between Ron and I.

And space was had- especially space between me and the new guy. That was - until I was stupid enough to ditch Enid and sit by myself at the wall. I held a comic compendium in my arms as I sat down. It was footsteps that made me stand up immediately, dropping my hands by my side.
"Sorry." Carl apologised.  "I didn't mean to scare you."
I squinted my eyes, looking him up and down. "Oh...uh...you didn't."
"I just needed a break from..." Carl motioned towards Ron's house. I smiled.
"Yeah. No brainer."
Carl looked at the comic book on the ground. "Mind if I?" I shook my head immediately. He bent down and picked up the book. Flicking through the pages.
"I've read this one." he exclaimed, a smile spriting on his face. "It's one of my favourites! I had one at the prison before it went down. Oh man,  I loved it." He didn't seem to be too conscious of me. I tilted my head at him.
"The prison?" I asked. He looked up at me, his smile suddenly fading.
"Oh...it doesn't matter."

Doesn't matter? He was just talking about a prison. An old home, maybe.  Either way, I had one too- and I could understand how his smile would suddenly fade as soon as someone brought it up.
"An old camp, right? The place you were before here?" I beckoned. Carl nodded.
"I have one too. It was in a hospital. I-uh...I'm sorry about whatever happened to it." I sincerely was. We all lost our homes in the beginning of the initial outbreak...but we lost more and more as it went on. I was sorry.
"It's okay."
"Carl, right?" I clarified. I knew his name was Carl...I just had to make sure he knew I knew. That way, he wouldn't know that I had been dying to know his name the second I heard he was here. And that I had begged Ron to ask his mom to ask Rick what Carl's name was. I had to play it cool.
"So tell me, Carl? Got some hot girlfriend in your group? What about the one in the white?" I ask. Carl chuckles, leaning against the fence.
"No. That's Maggie. She's with Glenn." He blushes, which makes me blush.
"What about you?"
"No. I don't." I grinned. "Sorry- that was weird to ask."

"A little bit. There are more boys than girls in my group anyway. None of them are my age. I haven't even had my first kiss yet."
I threw my arms in the air.
"YOUR FIRST KISS?!"  I exclaimed, sarcasm with every gesture I made. "Oh brother. How could you have not had your first kiss?!"
Carl laughed at me - and it was good to know that he knew I was only joking.
"Well, have you?" he asked. I tilted my head.
"Well! Of course I have." That was sarcasm again.
I blushed, taking his hand and stepping closer. Because I wasn't one of the smart ones or one of the dumb ones, I did something I wasn't sure about. I pecked him on the lips. Then I dropped his hand and stepped away.

"I fixed it." I whispered. Carl reached down, grazing his hand on mine. I moved mine, smiling sweetly.

"Thanks." Carl breathed out.

Well, I mean, I had to make a good impression. To Carl, I wouldn't be the girl who bled to death. I could instead be the girl who kissed him within five minutes into the conversation.
I turned, taking hold of the fence and stepping up. I began climbing up it.

"Where are you going?!" Carl exclaimed. I looked down, a goofy grin on my face.
"OUTSIDE!" I shouted back. I climbed a little further up, looking down at him looking up at me.

"Well?" I called down to him. "You coming or not?"

Hey! If any of you have some spare time, would you be able to check out my fanfic? It's called Pestilence and it's a Walking Dead and Supernatural cross over!
Love Jo!

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