Love Is Never Enough, Preview

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Love Is Never Enough.

Hi, so i thought i might as well start thinking about another story and i came up with this! But it won't start until i finish Shadow Guy, i just wanted to tell you a bit about it and maybe you guys could tell me if it's a good story to go ahead and write?

Ok so here's the preview,

"So what you wanna do later on babe?" my boyfriend, Kier said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in. "Hmm i have no idea," i said back placing a kiss on his lips. His tongue traced my bottom lip asking for entrance and i gladly allowed him.

"Gross! Get in the car you love birds!" Shannon called from inside her car, my best friend of course. I pulled away still in his arms, "No! I can't live without your kisses.....come back! Come back!" i burst out laughing as Kier put his hand in the air and fell to his knees closing his eyes and pretending he was in agony.

"Come on Kier," i said trying to get my laughter in control. "Does he need to be sedated?" i jumped around to see my other best friend, Clide (same as Clyde but just spelt differently) also as bad as this sounds my all-time crush.

Yep I'm in love with one of my best friends and i have a boyfriend who i can't get enough of. You see when i was fifteen i meet Kier and well Clide was and is a player so i thought stupidly what any other girl might think, make the bastard jealous!

Well you see it didn't work out so good, Clide liked Kier and i became fund of him myself, but more like a friend, ever since we're all just a big group of friends. I stayed with Kier and everyday i force myself to get over Clide and move on. NO SUCH FUCKING LUCK!


Ok so i know that was little but i wanted to see what you guys think? Should i go with it? I can't tell you a lot more without spoiling the story so yeah,

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