Chapter 28 - Working On Us

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6 months later**

I sat on the couch playing with Kionna's wedding ring. Every since she took it off nothing has been the same. We decided to split up for a while but as far as the kids know we got a separation but we didn't. Legally me and her are still married. I haven't really seen Kionna after what went down when we went to counseling. I mean I've seen her when she comes to pick up or drop off the kids but other than that I don't really see her. If ain't for or about the kids we don't talk. To this day I regret what I said because that caused me the one thing that I might not ever get back. I Love Kionna with all of my heart and when she took off her ring and walked out that door it's like she basically took my heart and shredded it into pieces. I hope that one day me and Kionna can get back together cause I really do miss her. Y'all don't know how hard it is for me to go to sleep at night, walk around the house and see the pictures of us in this house without getting somewhat weak and crying, or just not having her here. " I'm gone. " Cameron said walking out of the door.

Me and Cameron haven't been getting along lately because he blames me for Kionna leaving which it kind of is my fault. All me and Cameron do is fight and fuss cause its like he just can't stand me for making Kionna leave. I already feel bad without her being here that I don't need my son blaming me for it cause I already know its my fault.

I decided to go to WalMart just for some fresh air since I didn't have the kids. This week they were with my mom so I didn't have to worry about them.

I was walking around WalMart just picking up random stuff, not really caring what it was. I accidentally bumped into somebody and knocked the things I had and they had out of our hands. " My bad. Im so sorry. That was my fault. I was paying attention to where I was going. " the person rambled on.

" Kionna? " I said trying to look at her face.

" Yeah how did you know - " she cut herself off when she looked up and saw it was me.

" Uh my bad that was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going. " I said.

" It's okay. I wasn't paying attention either. " she said sticking her hands in her pocket.

We kind of just stood there awkwardly not really knowing what to say. Somebody had threw something at Kionna and it hit her in the head and she laughed. " There go them water packets you wanted. " somebody said.

" Thanks Asshole. " Kionna said bending down to get them along with the things she dropped when I bumped into her.

" No problem girl. " he said.

" Whatever Dontavious. Get back to work. " Kionna smiled.

" Yes ma'am. " he said.

" Nigga is crazy. " Kionna chuckled to herself.

Once it again it got awkward between me and Kionna and I could tell she didn't like it.

" So how's Cameron? " she asked.

" The boy hates me. " I chuckled.

" He doesn't hate you. I talked to him before I came here and he told me he just doesn't like the fact that you said you hated me and our marriage couldn't be saved when you know it could've. " she said sternly.

" So what your saying is he blames me for us splitting up? " I asked.

" I guess you could say that but I told him it wasn't all your fault. I had my share of wrongs that I did to you and I wish I could take it back but I can't. " she said.

" About that. Well about us I'd like to work on that. " I said.

" For what? You made it clear that you hated me like you said and I didn't want you to be with me if you hated me so much. It broke my heart to take off my ring and everyday I look at my finger and its not there. Que I want you to be happy and if you're not happy with me then go find somebody who'll make you happy. " she said.

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