Chapter 6 - Ari

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***6 weeks later***

" Cameron we gone. " my mom said.

" Okay. " I said playing the game.

My mom and dad were going out somewhere for dinner so that meant I had to watch Jasmine but usually she barely ever bothers me so I don't mind watching her.

I was playing 2K when Jasmine came down stairs with my phone.

" Cameron your phone was ringing. " she said handing it to me.

" ThankYou. " I said taking my phone from her.

She went back upstairs and I un-paused the game until 20 minutes later my phone rung again.

" Yo. " I said still playing the game.

" Hey Cam. " Ari said.

" Hey baby. What you up to? " I asked her.

" Nothing. I haven't heard from you in a while so I figured I'd call you. " she said.

" Oh yeah you know I been busy with homework and football practice and stuff like that but I ain't forgot about you. " I said.

Even though we were on the phone I could tell that she was blushing.

" Really? " she asked.

" Yeah. How could I forget about you. You the shawty. " I said talking slang.

She laughed and the phone went silent for a while. " Oh you cheating son of a bitch. " I exclaimed cause I lost the game.

" Excuse me? " Ari said.

" I'm sorry baby I wasn't talking about you. I was talking to the TV. " I said.

" Mmhhm. Well you know what next week is? " she asked.

" Naw what is it? " I asked knowing that it was our 1 year anniversary.

" So you telling me you don't know what next week is? " she asked.

" Nope. Is it your birthday? " I asked playing dumb.

" Such an ass. " she mumbled.

" I'm just playing with you bae. I know it's our anniversary. " I said laughing.

" Cameron that's not funny. " she whined.

" I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you soon. I promise. " I said smiling.

" Cameron I'm hungry. " Jasmine whined coming down the steps.

" Who's that? " Ari asked, her voice filled with attitude.

" Did you forget I had a little sister. "I said.

" Cameron. " Jasmine pouted.

" Give me 5 minutes and I'll get you something to eat okay. " I said to Jasmine.

She nodded her head and went into the kitchen.

" You still there? " I asked Ari.

" Yeah I'm still here. " Ari said.

" Ariana it's alright. " I said knowing she felt bad about accusing me.

" I'm sorry. " she said.

" It's okay. Look I'll call you after I fix Jasmine something to eat and when I get out the shower. " I said.

" Okay. Bye. " she said.

" I Love You. " I cooed in the phone.

" Ew. " Jasmine said making me laugh.

I guess Ari heard her too cause she laughed also.

" I Love You Too. " she said.

I hung up the phone and then picked up Jasmine.

" So what you got in mind to eat? " I asked carrying her to the kitchen.

" Uh I don't know. " she said.

" How about I order us some pizza and wings. " I said.

She shook her head yes so I called Pizzeria and ordered us some pizza and wings.

Once the food got here I fixed Jasmine's plate and she wanted to watch TV in my room so I let her while I took a shower. When I got out the shower I saw that Jasmine was no longer in my room so I went to go look for her. I searched in my parents room first and seen my mom sitting on the bed doing something on her phone.

" I didn't know y'all was home. " I said.

" Yeah we just got here while you were in the shower. Come here. " she said.

I walked further into the room and she handed me 3 crips 100 dollar bills.

" What's this for? " I asked.

" For watching Jasmine for the last couple of days. " she said.

" Ma you know you can just give me 20 right? " I said.

" Cameron take this. " she said.

I sighed and took the money. Guess I'll just be adding to the money I already have. This 300 plus the money I already have saved up is probably like 50,000 dollars maybe. I don't know I stopped counting when I got to 5,000 dollars.

I ain't like other people who spend they money no sooner it gets in they hands. I mean I might buy a couple things here and there but barely for the simple fact that my mom and dad get me everything. I mean I ain't even got to ask for it and its already there. I give Ari maybe like 2 or 3 hundred a month just cause I know she has it hard at home getting abused every night and talked down on. That's why when people ask me why I'm with Ari cause she ain't shit or she ain't ever gone do me no good Ill punch them square in they face and then dare they asses to go snitch on me but when it comes to a female I can't do nothing cause they say you ain't supposed to hit a female but I hear my mom tell Jasmine all the time that if you hit a man you better brace yourself cause he got every right to hit you back but I don't know.

I know one thing though. That night my dad hit my mom when I was like 3 or 4 it's still in my head revived as picture but I don't say nothing.

" Oh and Cameron Chris will be picking you up this Friday after school. " my mom said.

" Okay. " I said nodding my head.

I went back to my room and called Ari like I said I would. You see like I said Ari has it hard at home so she doesn't have a phone of her owns so I have to call her house phone and when I did I'm guessing her mom answered.

" Yes. " she growled into the phone.

" May I speak with Ari? " I asked.

" And who the fuck are you? " she spat.

I didn't know what to say cause I knew if I said the wrong thing it could lead to Ari getting hurt.

" Her friend. " I said.

" What you want with my daughter eh boy? Huh? " her mother said.

" I just wanted to speak with her that's all. " I said.

" Why? She ain't nothing but a whore and a sorry ass excuse. '' her mother growled.

When she said that I heard a loud banging sound and then Ari screaming.

" NO PLEASE IM SORRY!! " she yelled.

" Ari. " I said in the phone.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

" You hear that boy? Shes useless. Drop her. You can do better than my sorry ass daughter. " Her mother spoke.

I heard more slapping sounds and then Ari whimpering.

" PLEASE DADDY STOP!! " she cried out.

After that the phone hung up and all I could do was pray for Ari. That's my baby and if something happened to her I don't know what I would do.

" Cameron? " my dad said knocking on the door.

" Yeah. It's open. " I said.

" What's wrong? " he asked.

" Nothing. " I said shaking my head.

" You sure? " he asked.

" Yeah I'm fine pa. Im gone go to sleep. I don't want to over sleep and miss the bus. " I said.

" Okay well goodnight. " he said closing my door.

I fell asleep think about Ari.

I woke up to somebody throwing rocks at my window. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5 in the morning so I figured I was just hearing stuff cause my mom was up getting Jasmine ready for school so I laid back down. After 30 minutes the sound got louder so I went to my window to see Ari standing there throwing tiny rocks at my window.

I quickly opened my window and Ari stood there crying.

I quickly rushed downstairs almost knocking my mom and dad down.

I opened the door and ran to Ari.

" Ari what are you doing here? " I asked.

" Cam..Cameron...I...I...I...can' it '' she cried.

I picked her up bridal style and carried in the house. " Cameron what you doing? " my mom asked me.

Ari was crying into my chest and I carried her into the living room and sat down with her in my lap.

" What's going on? " my dad asked.

" I..Im sorry to come like this but I didn't have any other place to go to. " Ari cried.

" Ari let me look at your face. " I said.

She shook her head no and I put my hand on her side and she winced in pain. " Baby let me look at you. " I said.

" I'm hideous Cameron. " she said wiping her tears.

" You'll always be beautiful to me. " I said kissing her cheek.

I didn't care that my parents were standing there watching and to be honest I saw some tears fall out of my moms eyes but she quickly wiped them and then walked over to us. She bent down and grabbed Ari's hand.

" Sweetheart look at me. I promise I won't laugh or judge what you look like. " my mom said.

Ari slowly lifted her head up and when I seen her face a rush of anger came over me.

It's a damn shame how the people who are supposed to love you and take care of you can treat you like nothing.


I looked at Cameron's girlfriends face and instantly felt bad for her. No child deserves to be abused what so ever.

She had a busted lip, a black eye, and she had dried blood all over her face.

I turned my head so that way she wouldn't see me cry. " Cameron go get ready for school. Your father will take you. " I said cause Cameron had missed the bus.

" Ma- "

" Cameron now. " I said sternly.

Ari lifted up off his lap and Cameron went and got ready. " Ari may I ask who did this to you? " I asked.

" My parents. " she said tearing up again.

" Why would they do this to you? " I asked.

" Because they don't love me. I was just a little stupid mistake that happened to escape abortion. " she said crying.

" Look at me Ari. You are very smart and you are not a mistake. God put you here for a reason. If I was to take you away from your parents how would you feel? " I asked cause I can tell that she's been through a lot.

" I don't care but I don't want to leave Cameron. " she said.

" I promise you won't lose Cameron. I know somebody who wouldn't mind adopting you. " I said.

" Who would want me? " she asked.

" Anybody would be happy to have you and my friend Leah would be happy to have you. " I said.

She nodded her head and Cameron came back down the stairs.

" I'm ready. " he said.

" Que. " I said.

" I heard him just give me a minute. " Que said.

I chuckled at him and then turned my attention to Ari. " Would you like to go shopping today and we could talk about what's been going on with you?" I asked.

She shook her head yes and then I told her to stay right there. I went upstairs to go get some clothes for her cause it looked like me and her were the same size so I didn't mind giving her some of my clothes. I picked out an outfit for her and then went back downstairs to see Cameron holding Ari. I can tell that Cameron really cares for Ari but I mean that's just my son. He's always caring for other people. He doesn't judge anybody for what they don't have and what they do.

" I Love You okay. I'll be back later after school. " Cameron said in her ear.

" But that's 8 hours. " Ari said.

" I know but you'll have my mom. I promise she won't hurt you. Shes just gone take you shopping and probably get you away from your parents. " he said putting his finger under her chin making her look at him.

I leaned up against the wall watching Cameron and Ari. When I say I Love my son I mean it. I wouldn't trade him for anybody just because Cameron is that nigga.

" You promise I'll get away from my parents? " she asked Cameron.

" I promise. That's what my mom does. Shes a lawyer so I know for a fact she can get you at a better place with the snap of her fingers. " Cameron said.

" Cameron come on I got to go to the studio. " Que said.

" Coming. " he said.

" I Love You Ariana. " he said to Ari.

" I Love You Too. " she said.

He leaned down and kissed her forehead. Cameron is about 5'9 and Ari looks to be about my height so somewhere around 5'3.

" Can you smile for me? " Cameron asked.

She shook her head and Cameron started tickling her.

" Cameron stop. " she laughed.

" There's that pretty smile. " he said placing his hands on her waist.

He pulled her closer to him and then he kissed her. To me it was just a kiss so I didn't bother to stop it but if I saw something that I didn't like then I would say something.

" Cameron. " Que said.

" I'm coming. " Cameron said.

" You said that 10 minutes ago now bring your ass on. " Que said.

Cameron shook his head and pecked Ari's lips and then left. Im happy to see my son happy but all I know is I better not be a grandma until that boy is 20.

I walked into the living room and Ari was sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. " What's the matter? " I asked her.

" I just want to know what I did to make my parents hate me so much. I never got in trouble at school I was always quiet and I always did what I was told to do around the house so where did I go wrong. " she said.

" Look at me. Your parent weren't ready to have you. They weren't strong enough and they were obviously going through some things and they took it out on you. I want you to go take a shower and I'm gone call my friend Leah over here and we'll go from there. Okay. " I said.

She nodded her head and took the clothes and I showed her the bathroom and gave her a tooth brush.

I called Leah and told her what happened and she was here within 20 minutes. You see Leah works for CSS meaning she can take children away from their homes and she can get the parents arrested if the living conditions that the child is living in is very poor.

" Where is she? " Leah asked coming into the house.

" She taking a shower and getting ready. " I said.

" I can't stand parents who abuse and neglect they kids. Her parents deserve to rot in hell. " Leah said gritting her teeth.

" Ms. Robison I'm ready. " Ari said coming down the steps.

I can already tell this gone be a long day.


'' Khalil I want to go shopping. " I whined to Khalil.

" But it's raining. " Khalil said.

" So. " I said pouting.

" Oh I get it. You just want to spend time with your fiancée. " Khalil smirked.

" Boy please. " I said laughing.

" How about instead of going shopping we do something else that's in the house. " Khalil said snaking his arms around my waist.

" And what are we gone do here in the house? " I asked already knowing what he wanted to do.

" There's a couple of things we could do. " he said rubbing all over me.

" But baby I want to go shopping. " I whined poking my bottom lip out.

" Before we go shopping you got to do me a favor. " he said in my ear sending chills down my spine.

" What's that? " I asked licking my lips.

" I want you to lay on the bed flat on your back and let me show you how bad I Love You and need you. " he said gripping my waist.

" But Khalil..." I started.

" Or we can do it right here in the kitchen. Your choice. " he said kissing my neck.

I jumped up on the kitchen counter and motioned for him to come here. He smirked and walked towards me.


" Baby what you think? " I asked Khalil looking at a shirt for Tashay.

" It's cute. " he said not paying me any attention.

I took his phone from him and slipped it in my pocket book so that way I could have his full and undivided attention.

" What you take my phone for? " he asked.

" Cause you not paying me attention. " I said.

He nodded his head and then we walked to Its Fashion and I saw Leah, Kionna, Que, and some girl who looked to be 12 or 13.

" Hey Y'all. " I said walking over to them.

" Ari go get you anything you want or need and I'll be with you in a minute. " Kionna told the little girl.

" Who is that? " I asked.

" Ari. Cameron's girlfriend. She's going through a tough time at home and she's going to be staying with Leah from now on. " Kionna said.

" For real? " I said.

" Yup. Just as soon as me and Issa clean out the guest room and we gone turn it into her room. " Leah said smiling.

" Dang. Que have you talked to August lately? " I asked.

" No. Why what's up? " Que said.

" Tashay wants to see him that's all. " I said.

He nodded his head and then walked off with Khalil.

Me and the girls talked for a little while and I found out somethings about Ari. It's just pitiful on how she's being treated at home. She showed us some of her scars on her body and me and Kionna started crying. Leah didn't cause she's used to seeing kids like this cause she works for Children's Social Services.

In the end it's gone be all good cause Ari is gone get what she needs and she won't ever have to worry about her parents again.


- Unexpected huh?

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