"No, I don't want her to make a big deal about it and I want her to chase her dreams I becoming a race car driver and I know once I tell her she would want to help me out." He shook his head.

"So you called me because you want to say goodbye is that it?" Tears burned in my eyes ready to be shed but I held on to it as long as possible.

"No that's not it" He wheeled closer reaching for my hand.

These hands that I held since I was seven. The hands that would guide me and help me through everything. These hands that would brush away the sadness so easily.

He interlace my fingers with mine holding onto it tightly.

"I want you to turn me"

His words caused me to gasp in shock I almost pulled my hand back harshly but the desperate look in his face cause me to stop.

"What?" I whispered not trusting myself to speak louder because I'm afraid I would yell at him.

"I've been researching about vampires I found clues that vampires do exist and that you are one of them because the mark on my neck was done by you wasn't it?" He tilt his head for me to see the two scacrs on his neck. "When I found out I had severe bone cancer I didn't want to die some Doctors said that my case is too hard to fight off the disease so I went every where in the country to find the best doctors and then I found. Dr Stanley he wanted to help me, he injected vampire blood every month in my system to fight it off. It worked for a 3 months but everytime the cancer comes back it becomes worst."

"A Doctor gives vampire blood to his paitents?" My mouth fell open at how stupid and ridiculous it is to mess with something like that.

"He never told me it was vampire blood but after a few sessions with him I found out he was a vampire too. He told me everything about vampires and his ability was to take away things that other vampires did to people. For example like memory loss."

I was about to yell at him for being so stupid to get caught up with all these vampire crap. I want to shake him and snap him out of it because this isn't the life for him but I couldn't because part of me don't want to loose him. Part of me was a little relief that he found that doctor because he wouldn't be here.

"I can't.." I trail shaking my head thinking of all the bad outcome.

"It's okay Jessy I want to be a vampire I know the risk and I know what I have to give up for it. I don't want to die, I don't want to die like this" He spoke his voice trembling with so much pain. "Do you know what it feels like that every step I make all I could feel was pain, it was my bones grew spikes and it's trying rip my organs and skin apart." His hand clenched onto mine tightly he took a deep shakey breath. "I'm so tired Jessy I don't want to die with this disease please, I'm not going to be like my father."

  I let my tears fall because it seems like this decision that I hate making always comes back to me. I let my tears fall because I don't want to see my best friend like this. It was like a decision when the doctors asked you if they should pull the plug or not. It was hard because it's not your life on the line and if you regret it it will all be too late.

I close my eyes and run my fingers across his hands pulling it towards my face. His warm hand stroke my cheeks and I cave in to his touch leaning towards it.

"When did I ever say no to you?" I whispered in defeat.

A big smile stretched on his lips making my decision a little less harder because I know he will be with me now. The person that I always needed in my life.

He knew the minute I stepped back into this house, my home away from home and see him like this the decision has already been made. He knew I would never just sit back and let him die when I can do something about it.

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