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3rd person

The castle was bursting with servants as they got ready, for what. A ball. Yes the ball. Whilst everyone was waiting for the dresses to arrive, Charlie was hiding in the cupboard. She was supposed to be getting her hair and makeup done for the ball and she didn’t want to. To Charlie wearing makeup and a dress was pure torture. At this precise moment Louis and the other kings were searing the castle for her. They’d searched up and down, trying to figure out where she would have gone. Charlie heard someone walking past the cupboard when she sneezed. The door opened and Rebecca’s familiar face peered in. “Charlie there you are we’ve been looking all over for you” Rebecca whispered to her in a scolding manner.

Charlie sighed and dragged Rebecca into the cupboard. She laughed at Charlie and Charlie shushed her. “I don’t want anyone to find me so Ssh, I want my mates to find me and I don’t want to be a Barbie doll. I hate makeup and I don’t want someone to make me wear it and I know someone will force me so the only choice I’m left with is hiding in here. The only place they won’t look” Charlie told Becca quietly.

Becca snorted and the cupboard door flew open. There stood Becca’s coven (little mix) Becca gave them a sheepish wave and the girls laughed. Perrie and jade picked Becca and Charlie up. “Who’s your friend beck’s” Perry asked slightly concerned for Becca’s safety.

Becca and Charlie looked at each other and laughed. “This is charlotte but she prefers to be called Charlie, she’s the king’s mate. Charlie this is perrie the one that’s holding you is jade, the other two are Jessie and leigh-anne. My sisters” Becca told Charlie.

Jade quickly put Charlie down and the other girls bowed to her. “I’m so sorry for picking you up queen charlotte. We are sorry for not knowing who you were and not showing respect” jade told Charlie apologetically.

Charlie and Becca both laughed and the kings came around the corner. Liam ran over and picked her up. “Found you” he growled in her ear.

Charlie pouted and folded her arms over her chest. “Go away, I don’t want my hair or make up doing” Charlie muttered under her breath.

Liam sighed and looked down and his young mate. “Charlie I know you don’t but you’ll have to get used to it, you’re going to queen of the vampires and humans you’re going to have to look perfect all of the time” Liam told Charlie.

Charlie glared at him and tried to get out of his arms. He put her down and she gave him the death glare. “So you’re telling me that I never look perfect. Thanks Liam” Charlie snorted before running off.

Liam tried to run after her but the other boys stopped him. “You’ve done enough” harry hissed at him.

Liam put his head down in shame and walked back to his room. As he was walking he bumped into someone. He knocked the person to the floor. He quickly helped the girl up apologising. She laughed and then quickly bowed. “It’s fine king Liam, please it was my fault I wasn’t paying attention” the girl told him.

He nodded and let go of her arm, she smiled and then tried to walk around him. Liam moved and let her past. She smiled and then ran off down the hall. Liam turned and carried on walking down the hall. “Liam” a voice called out.

Liam looked up and saw Charlie; she smirked at him and ran off. He laughed and chased her. She giggled and ran off to hid. Charlie wasn’t watching where she was running and ran straight into someone. “Oh look a tasty meal all to myself, where be your owner girl” the voice growled.

Charlie looked up and saw a medium built man who had a tight grip on her arm.

Charlie’s point of view

I gasped as the hand tightened on my arm. “I’ll ask again girl where be your owner” the man growled in my ear.

I didn’t answer and Liam came around the corner. He gasped and stopped. “Adrian let her go” Liam growled his eyes flickering red.

I held my breath and the man let go of my arm. But instead of fully letting me go, he grabbed me by the throat. I gasped and Liam growled before walking over. Adrian tightened his grip of my throat making me choke in pain. “Why should I, she’s an insolent little brat” he growled.

Liam growled and harry and the other boys came around the corner, laughing, their laughter stopped when they saw what was going on with us. “Adrian” they all growled.

I gasped again almost not getting any air. Adrian sniffed my neck and made a happy noise. “She smell’s lovely, you guys don’t mind if I have a bite do you” Adrian asked in his gruff voice.

The boys all growled and Adrian burrowed his head into my neck. I tried to get away but he bit down, I shrieked in pain, it hurt a million more times than a bite had ever hurt before. I felt blood spill down my neck and heard Adrian greedily slurping my blood. I started to see black dots in my vision as he was pulled off of me. I crumpled up in a heap on the floor. I heard some scuffling and then some pick me up. I was a little too much out of it to see. “Just hold on Charlie, I’m getting you somewhere safe” A Bradford accent whispered to me.

I slowly closed my eyes but I felt zayn shake me a little, my eyes jolted open. I met zayn’s eyes and he gave me an apologetic look. “Sorry but you need to stay awake at least until Louis gets to you” he told me.

I groaned and he opened a door. I heard a load of gasps and they bombarded my skull. “Who is she” I heard a snotty voice ask as we passed.

I heard someone giggle. “Isn’t it obvious its charlotte’s the kings mate but I wonder what happened” a small voice asked.

I felt I was being laid on something hard, I heard zayn whispered something to someone and then a whoosh of air passed me. “Charlie, oh my, can someone get me some wets cloths and a pillow” an Irish voice shouted.

It wasn’t niall, so it must be Maura. I reached out for her hand and she took it. “She’s just attention seeking I bet she did it to herself” a snooty voice shouted from across the room.

I heard someone groan so I guessed it to be the girl. “Never say that about the queen, she would never do this to herself, leave” I heard a voice growl.

I recognised it vaguely and I saw Louis out of the corner of my eye. I saw him run over to me and hold my hand. I felt a little better but not 100%. I felt something take over the pain and I started screaming in pain. I saw Louis flinch in shock and then call someone over. “She’s been poisoned, who bit her” a male voice asked.

I head Louis gasp and look at me. I closed my eyes and gave into the pain. 

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