being ill sucks... literally (part 1)

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Being ill sucks… literally, (part 1)

When I woke up, I felt horrid. I climbed out of the bed and noticed zayn had fallen asleep. I walked in to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked pale and sickly. A pain ripped through me. I whimpered in pain.

Someone knock on the bathroom door.

“Charlie are you ok? Open the door” a voice shouted. I slowly moved to the door and opened it. It was Liam. He gasped and picked me up and laid me on my bed. Zayn wasn’t in the room anymore.

“What’s wrong with me” I asked him. He looked at me.

“We haven’t marked you yet your soul is crying out, begging to be marked. If you not marked… your body will shut down” Liam explained to me.

I froze. “You guys need to mark me” I told him.

He sighed. “But that means we can only feed off of you Charlie, can you handle that?” Liam asked me.

A slice of pain ripped through my body, I whimpered and held back a scream. “We don’t have a choice Liam, it hurts a lot” I stuttered. He nodded and walked out of the room.

He came back with the boys. Louis ran over to me. “You can’t heal me this time Louis” I told him. He looked at Liam confused.

“It’s the mating pull” Liam told the boys. They all nodded and looked at me. I glared at him and he looked at me confused.

“You gave me a whole speech on it and they 4 words, that’s not fair” I told him. He shrugged and looked at the boys.

“When should we start” zayn asked. Liam looked at me and I shrugged. A pain tore through me, it hurt more than the last time and I couldn’t hold back my screams anymore. The pain lasted for about 3 minutes. Throughout that time I couldn’t stop screaming.

“We need to start soon, (Liam shook his head) Liam it will kill her. We can’t lose her please” Niall begged stroking my head.

Liam looked at me and sighed. “Fine, we need to decide an order” Liam told us. Everyone looked at me and I shrugged. Harry stood up. “I’ll go first” harry told them. The boys nodded and left the room. Only me and harry in the room. 

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