Adoptive parents vs real parents

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Hi just a quick note from me. This is just a story and is in no way true so I hope nobody takes offence. Charlie will raise her thoughts on being given up but she loves her adoptive parents for giving her up. If their are any questions at the end of the chapter please feel free to ask them and I will answer them as best as I can.

Anyway how are you all, I hope you are all well, I've just got back to school so it's been kind of hectic. I have my first GCSE next month so we are attempting every six mark question there has been in the last five years... So that's fun.

Anyway you didn't come here to talk to me you came here for the chapter so on it goes.

Eeep this update has taken me so long that I've already sat my Chemistry GCSE and my media resit and my IT resit. Oh and I am so pleased I got a Level 2 pass  on my fist try on the business exam. Have you taken any exams and if so what did you get?

3rd person

Charlie didn't know what she was doing, why had she even decided to meet her real parents. Her adoptive parents had done a good job at raising her; so why did she want to meet them? What was so important about them that she felt like she was betraying the people that raised her? Maybe she wanted answers or maybe she just wanted to show them what they had missed?

Her  life seems to have taken a turn and She didn't really know what to do, her life seemed to take a total 180.

1st person

It's spinning faster then a vortex, not exactly a great comparison but it's the best I could under extreme pressure. I straightened my dress out feeling the silky texture bat against my fingers, it didn't relax me in fact I think it made me even more nervous then I was before.

A knock at the door startled me from my day dream.  I opened the door to see Harry stood their wearing a red tie, "Wow even when we don't get along we still wear the same colours" Harry told me motioning to my red dress that I was wearing.

I shrugged and he led me out of the room. I followed him and was led to the throne room. "You know red is the colour of Passion" Harry told me wiggling his eye brows suggestively.

I glared at him and decided to prove him wrong and right at the same time. "You are correct in a way but it also represents war and courage, it also increases breathing rates and raises blood pressure (Please correct me if I'm wrong). It doesn't just represent passion you know Harry, every colour has deep meaning you just need to know that and then may be you will understand more. Their is a deeper meaning then what you sometimes see in this world you need to look" I told him not meaning to be harsh but it kind of sounded like it.

Harry nodded and we waited outside the door to the throne room. I groaned and we stood in silence.

After around 5 minutes of an awkward silence the doors of the room finally opened and I was allowed in. I walked in and noticed the council was present and looked at me when I entered. I immediately bowed down to them and they looked at me shocked.  "My princess please you do not need to bow to us, you are of higher importance of us" a council member told me.

I slowly rose to my feet and planted a innocent look on my face. "My parents always told me to pay respect to people with greater knowledge of me or even  people who I think deserve respect. You are the council you have access to more information then I have ever learned in my 16 years on this planet. So you deserve as much respect as the princes or even I do" I told them before letting a polite smile grace my features.

The council looked in awe of me and the two people who claimed to be my biological parents stood up and walked over to me. I could barely look at them; I didn't really know how to react, did I say something or did I act like I didn't care. I just wish someone would help me. "It's an honour to finally meet you my princess" they told me.

The women looked like she wanted to hug me but was trying to keep calm. "Yes we didn't really meet in the best of circumstances last time did we, My name is Marcus and this is Sophia, I don't really know if you remembered or not" the man... no Marcus told me.

I smiled slowly and then nodded, before looking at the council and then the doors. "Excuse I need to go" I told them before running out of the door.

Sophia's Point of view

I watched as my little girl ran off and one of her mates go to run after her. "My kings please allow me to go after the princess it's obviously something that she would feel comfortable talking about with a girl" I told the Kings.

They nodded and I ran off after her. I followed her scent to outside in the garden and saw her crying in front of the fountain. I slowly approached and made sure I made a noise as to not startle Charlotte. She turned to face me but quickly turned away and began scrubbing her face; getting rid of her tears I guess. "Princess please may I talk to you? I promise I will leave. But please just hear me out" I begged her softly before sitting down next to her, my dress spreading out along the floor.

She looked deep in thought for a moment and then nodded hesitantly. "All I want us an explanation, I don't know what I want now but I need answers" she muttered softly hiding behind her beautiful hair.

I nodded and sighed wondering where to begin, "I met Marcus when I was 19 years old, I had lived my whole life waiting and wondering if I was ever going to meet him. I left my family and fell into the life of a council members wife. I new what was expected of me and I lived up to it. When Marcus and I married (and turned into a vampire), I fell pregnant straight away. When the baby was born, he was beautiful (Charlotte looked at me startled), yes you have an older brother. His name is Dayton, he was 19 when he left home, he left when I fell pregnant with you. My heart was broken when my son had to leave but when I found out I had to let you go as well it was one of the hardest decisions of my life. There was a war and you were in danger. I had to give up my little girl, she was to be raised by people who weren't her parents. I know that you may not understand yet but I hope one day we will be start over. We have forever" I told her softly.

I stood up and was about to walk away when Charlotte spoke up, "My parents are amazing people, my mum treated me like her own flesh and blood, I didn't even know that I was adopted until I was told. My dad is... was the most kindest man I could ever meet. He loved me not matter what I did or how stupid I acted. Then there was Martin my older brother, he is the best friend I could have ever asked for, he is my protector and he teases me just like and older brother should. So the family I was left with was perfect, my only regret is that I didn't realise it sooner" she told me before storming past me.

"Do you think you can ever forgive me?" I asked her.

I never received an answer.

Charlie's point of view

I don't know what to do........

one direction's mate (a vampire story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin