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i hope this chapter is long enough for you. sorry about the long wait. i'm writing the new chapter now as we speak. oh and abbie and robyn are actully my frinds from school. so this chapter is dedicated to them xxxxxxx

Charlotte’s point of view

I took a deep breath and stood up. The boys looked at me concerned. “Charlie sit down, you need to rest” zayn told me softly.

I rolled my eyes. “We need to get of here, hopefully before I become a blood bag and die” I snapped at them.

The boys looked at the floor and the door opened. I slowly moved closer to Louis. “Come human, we’re going to keep you somewhere more “comfortable”, now come” the voice called.

I looked at the boys alarmed. “Leave her alone, she can stay here with us” zayn growled.

The voice laughed. “No we have a… special place for her” the voice laughed before grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the room.

“CHARLIE, WE’LL FIND YOU” one of the boys shouted. 

I was transported to another room vampire speed. The door was flung open and I was tossed into the room. I fell onto the dusty floor. The voice laughed and the door slammed shut. I curled up in a ball and another door opened. I didn’t look up. This was getting too scary. What did I do to deserve all of this pain? A comforting hand was put on my shoulder.

“Are you ok?” a voice whispered.

I looked up and a girl with long brown hair that was almost black. Her eyes were brown. I shrugged. “I want my mates” I muttered feeling like a baby.

She sighed and hugged me. “It’s ok they won’t hurt you in here. They feed and then they leave” she told me.

I sniffled and she led me to a soft seat. “I’m Robyn what’s your name” she asked me.

I looked at her. “I’m charlotte but I prefer to be called Charlie, what do you mean they feed on you then leave” I asked her.

She sighed. “They like my blood, so they must like yours to. They’ll feed from you and then put you back in here. They might feed from you in front of you mates. Just so they can torture them more. Just go along with it or they’ll hurt you. If your mates misbehave they’ll hurt you. So just behave because I don’t want to see you get hurt” she told me.

I nodded and the door opened. A man came in with a different man; he looked at me and Robyn and then pointed at me. I whimpered and Robyn gave me an encouraging smile. The man came over and pulled me out of the room. He led me back into the room my mates were in. “ready to see your mate suffer” the man teased.

The boys growled, I looked at them and shrugged. The man chuckled and moved my hair to the side. The boys growled. “Leave her alone” niall growled, the man laughed at their pathetic attempts to tell him to stop and bit down. I felt the blood run down my neck and choked in pain. I fell back against the man and he pulled away.

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