help (part two) liam's point of view

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Charlie passed out, harry growled; trying to control his demonic side.

“Harry control now” zayn growled.

Harry growled “He attacked my mate”

I looked at Charlie. “Come on Charlie wake up” I told her.

She groaned in pain but woke up any way.

“Come here Charlie” Louis cooed trying to encourage her like a parent would a child.

Charlie slowly crawled over to Louis; he scratched his wrist and put it to her mouth. She slowly swallowed the blood. Her wounds healed and she let go of his wrist.

“Are you guys ok” she asked weakly, I looked at her shocked and confused.

“Why are you asking us if we’re ok? We should be asked you if you’re ok” I told her.

She shrugged and looked around. “Where are we?” she asked.

Niall sighed. “We don’t know where we are” he admitted.

Suddenly the heating decreased.  Charlie shivered.

“What happened to the heat” Charlie asked.

We all looked at her, “He’s trying to punish us by getting to… you. But don’t worry we’ll protect you” harry told her.

She nodded and shivered violently. The door opened and Ian came in. “Enjoying your death human” Ian asked taughting Charlie.

I growled. “Leave her alone please Ian, let her go please” I begged him.

He laughed. “Why would I do that when she will die by your hands Liam, you boys haven’t fed for a while have you. Your hunger will take over soon and you’ll kill her yourself. It’s fun to see how long she lasts. I hope you have a painful death human” he snarled at Charlie. He hit her and then walked out.

I looked at Charlie and she looked petrified. I just wanted to comfort her. I looked at her thoughts.

‘I’m going to die here, please don’t let me die here. They’ll never forgive themselves if they kill me’

my note

sorry this is so short, school is taking up a lot of time. but it's the weekend soon, so I can update better then.


who want's a chapter dedicating to them for being an awesome reader xxx





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