what happened to charlie?

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Thank you to everyone who commented on the last chapter this includes

Thetomlinsontommo and optopusmice  

What happened to Charlie?

 Louis point of view

Putting my hand on Charlie’s head I gasped. Every memory she had, had with us was gone. All erased as though we never existed. “She really doesn’t remember her mind has been wiped clean” I told the other boys. They gasped and harry sighed.

“What are we going to do, we’re supposed to be taking her back to the place next week, and we can’t take her if we have to work through all of this again” he asked us.

We all sighed and looked at Charlie; she gave us an awkward wave. I sighed and Martian came in. “Is everything ok in here” Martian asked us.

Charlie looked at Martian and then at us. “Are these your friends Martian?” she asked him confused.

He shook his head at her and looked at us confused. “Are guys pranking me, or something? Charlie there you mates you know that” Martian told Charlie.

She looked at him wide eyed and then looked at us “WHAT” she shrieked so high that I flinched.

Martian looked at her confused and then looked at us. “Ok I’ll go get mum and dad they’ll know what happened” Martian told us.

We nodded and Martian ran out of the room. Liam walked over to Charlie and she took a few small steps back… like she was afraid of us.


Liam red my mind and help his hands up in surrender. “Charlie we’re not going to hurt you, I promise. We can’t hurt you without hurting ourselves, I give you my work Charlie” he told her.

She nodded slowly and walked over to her; he took he hand and gave her a small smile. She returned it. Zayn smiled at her and she froze. He looked at her confused. “Charlie I won’t hurt you, so why are you so scared” zayn asked her.

She started backing away from him and Liam grabbed her. She cried into his chest. “He hurt me, he’s the one that hurt me” she cried.

I walked over to her and bent down to her eye level. For a 13 year old she was really small. "Charlie what do you remember" I asked her softly.

She shrugged confused, her eyes still filled with tears. "I was pinned against the wall by him! (Points at zayn) he bit me, I begged him not to and he still bit me" she whimpered.

We all turned to glare at zayn and he look confused, "Oh come on, I’ve been with you guys all day and I don't have the power to wipe Charlie’s memory" zayn snapped back. we looked at Charlie.

Would she ever fully regain her memory?


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