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Liam’s point of view

We got to take Charlie home and we were very happy, we would be going back to the castle in a few weeks. Yes you heard me, me and the other boys are kings of the whole world. Yes the whole world. Charlie will be our queen when she turns 18. She’ll be a brilliant queen. But something’s worrying me (comment if you read the authors note, comment llama). Charlie hasn’t gained anymore powers. She’s supposed to gain our powers every week. But she hasn’t gained any more powers yet; I checked the clock and saw it was 10 0 clock. So I got up and walked over to Charlie’s room and saw Louis stood outside with a perplexed look on his face. “What’s wrong” I asked him nudging his shoulder. 

Louis gave me a forced smile and then knocked on Charlie’s door. “Go away” Charlie shouted. 

Louis sighed and looked at me. “She’s got a bad head and when I tried to talk to her, she shouted at me and told me to make the voices stop” Louis told me. 

I thought for a moment. Then something clicked. Voices. Voices in her head. That could only mean one thing. I looked at Louis and he looked at me confused. “She has my power. (I turned to the door and started banging on the door, Louis grabbed my arm) Louis she can’t be alone, the catch on my powers is I can feel what others are feeling. People’s feelings are over whelming. When I first got my power, I was over whelmed by happiness. I went around looking like I was high. I don’t know what’s going on in Charlie’s head but what I know is it can’t be good” I told him.

Louis looked at me alarmed and then we started banging on the door. The door finally fell down and we saw Charlie huddled in corner, rocking back and forth and pulling her hair out. It was a scary sight to see, she was obviously not feeling what I felt when I got my powers. I motioned for Louis to leave; I think he went to get the boys. I slowly bent down to Charlie’s height level, bearing in mind she was huddled in the corner. “Make the voices stop please make them stop” Charlie muttered over and over again. 

I slowly pulled her hands out of her hair and kept hold of them in mine. She shrieked and tried to pull her hands out of mine, I kept a tight grip on them. “Charlie calm down, you’re only going to hurt yourself and we don’t want that!” I told her in a strict voice. 

She shrieked and started crying. I hugged her and she started trying to get away from me. “Please stop the voices it hurts! Make them stop!” she shouted at me. 

Zayn, Louis, harry and niall all came. They looked shocked at the scene in front of them. I looked at them and then at Charlie. “Get the restraints, she’ll only harm herself if we let her go” I told them. 

Zayn nodded and walked out to get them whilst niall looked appalled. “We can’t restrain her; she will lose her trust in us. We can’t lose her trust not now Liam” niall told me. 

I looked at him and then at Charlie. I let go of her hands and she started to claw at her head, like she was trying to remove the voices. I looked at niall and saw he had tears streaming down his face. “You see niall we don’t have a choice. All she’ll do is keep harming herself; she could do permanent damage. Do you want that” I asked him in a harsh voice.   

He looked at Charlie and then shook his head. Zayn walked in with the restraints and then I picked Charlie up and laid her in her bed, we tied her hands to the head board and left her feet free. She shrieked and tried to get free. Louis smiled sadly at her. “We’re just trying to help you Charlie” he told her. 

Charlie shrieked and growled at him. “I hate you all, why are you doing this to me. I thought you were supposed to protect me, not restrain me” Charlie shouted at us. 

Louis and niall looked hurt but I just ignored her and turned to the boys. “Ignore her, she’s just venting. If normal Charlie was here then you know she wouldn’t say these things” I told the boys they nodded and Charlie growled. 

“I am ‘normal Charlie’ I can just hear every little thing that is going on in your brains and none of you know how to help me!” she shouted in pain.

I looked at the boys and sighed, they looked drained already. “Liam I don’t get it, you have same power as Charlie and you don’t turn into a raging maniac” harry asked me in a weak voice. 

I sighed and looked at the boys. “Truth is that when I got my powers I couldn’t focus on just one thought or just one emotion, they were all so ever whelming, but when one emotion stood out the most I focused on it, the emotion that I focused on just happened to be happiness and everyone’s happiness just kind of built up until I felt like I was going to explode. I then figured out I had to balance my emotions out. Charlie needs to balance her emotion out” I told the boys. 

Harry nodded and smiled at us. “Well that sounds easy enough to do, when do we start” harry asked us. 

I shook my head at him and sighed. “Sorry harry it’s not that easy, she has to want to focus on the feelings we can’t just force her to feel, all the emotions she’s feeling are causing her to say things she doesn’t mean. Like right now, if you’re thinking about murdering someone, she’ll pick that up and become murderous or if you’re depressed, she’ll be depressed” I explained to them. 

They nodded and I walked over to Charlie. She looked me in the eyes and hissed at me. I sighed and she tried to kick me. “Leave me alone you idiot” she screamed at me. 

I looked into her eyes and she tried to look away. “Charlie look at me (she didn’t) CHARLIE LOOK AT ME (she begrudgingly looked at me) focus on me, focus on my mind” I told her as I projected calm thoughts to her. 

She rolled her eyes and focused on me, “Nothing’s happening” she told me in a bored voice. 

I sighed and then had an idea. “Charlie close your eyes and focus on me, (she shook her head) Charlie do it or we’ll leave you here” I snapped at her. 

She froze and then closed her eyes, I sighed and she opened her eyes. She smiled at me and I smiled back. “The voices are gone Liam, you did it thank you” she whispered to me. 

I smiled at her and nodded. She then pulled at her wrists. “Can someone undo these please” she asked softly. 

Louis nodded and undid them for her. “There you go” he told her. 

She sat up and looked around at the boys. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean anything I said, it’s just what the voices were telling me to do. Please forgive me” Charlie pouted. 

The boys nodded and hugged Charlie, she squealed. “Still human, can’t breathe” she gasped. 

The boys let go of her except niall, he picked Charlie up and gave her a piggy back ride. “I missed you Charlie” he told her. 

She giggled and smiled like a 4 year old. “I missed you to nialler” she told him. 

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