a chapter with no name

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Just a filler chapter

Liam’s point of view

I walked into niall’s room at the cabin and saw Charlie and niall both still fast asleep. I smiled and walked over to niall. “Niall come on mate time to wake up” I told him.

Niall woke up and smiled at me, “Good morning Liam, I’ll wake Charlie up and then we’ll come down so we can have breakfast” niall told me tiredly.

I nodded and I left the room. I walked down the 2 rickety flights of stairs and walked to the kitchen. I turned the oven on and started to cook off some bacon and eggs. I plated them up and put the plates on the table. I heard someone running down the stairs and I saw niall with Charlie on his back. “Morning niall, morning Charlie how are you feeling” I asked her.

She sighed and rolled her eyes at me. “I’m fine, a little stiff but fine. I could be worse right. Now will someone please explain to me what happened yesterday because it’s a little hazy to me” she asked me and niall.

I turned around to butter some bread and niall’s breath stuttered. “Erm we’ll explain when the others get here” I told her not even looking at her.

I could feel her trying to get into my mind and I thought of walls. I heard her cry out. I forgot it would hurt her. “Sorry Charlie but you shouldn’t pry into my mind” I told her in a slightly stern voice.

She nodded and grabbed a piece of bacon off the plate and bit into it. Niall pouted and she rolled her eyes. “Come on Liam make the others hurry up, I’m hungry” niall whined.

I sighed and the other boys appeared around 5 minutes later. Niall was practically faking dead. I rolled my eyes and we ate in silence.  It was kind of awkward because zayn wouldn’t stop staring at Charlie. I think she caught one “STOP STARING AT ME GOD YOU WOULD THINK SOMEONE DIED” Charlie shouted.

Louis stood up and glared at zayn before looking at Charlie. “That’s because you almost did die Charlie, zayn left you in the house, knocked me and the other boys out. The separation almost killed us all, you went all insane and you trashed the main house, you got yourself caught in some glass. You were bleeding really bad, if Liam hadn’t found you Charlie, you would have died. We would have died Charlie” Louis told her.

Charlie slumped back into her chair and zayn walked over to her. She flinched away from him and he looked at her sadly. “I’m tired, I’m going to go lie down upstairs” she told us before running off upstairs.

I got up and followed her. I stopped at niall’s room when I heard someone singing,

‘Today I'm gonna write a sad song

Gonna make it really long

So that everyone can see

That I'm very unhappy


I wish I wasn't always wrong

I wish it wasn't always my fault

The finger that you're pointing

Has knocked me on my knees


And all you need to know is

I'm so sorry

It's not like me

It's maturity that I'm lacking


So don't, don't let me go

Just let me know

That growing up goes slow


I wonder what my mom and dad would say

If I told them that I cry each day

It's hard enough to live so far away


I wish I wasn't always cold

I wish I wasn't always alone

When the party is over

How will I get home?


And all you need to know is

I'm so sorry

It's not like me

It's maturity that I'm lacking


So don't, don't let me go

Just let me know

That growing up goes slow


If all the rules were meant to bend

And you swore you were my friend

Now I have to start all over again


'Cause no one's going to take your place

And I'm scared I'll never save

All the pieces of love we made


And I'm so sorry

It's not like me

It's maturity that I'm lacking


So don't, don't let me go

Just let me know

That I can slip and fall


And you won't let me go

Just let me know

That growing up goes slow


And I'm so sorry

It's not like me

It's maturity that I'm lacking


So don't, don't let me go

Just let me know

That growing up goes slow’

I ended up sitting next to Charlie as she sang. She burst out crying at the end and I pulled her into a hug. “Why do I keep messing everything up” she sobbed into my shoulder. 

ok so can i have 6 comments and 10 votes for the next chapter, i probably won't post till after christmas but i will try x

if i don't 


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