mates and vampire mode

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The visitor and vampire mode

Harry got up and walked to the door. “Samuel what do we owe for this visit” Harry asked the man at the door. There was a moment of silence.  

“I heard you found your mate, I thought it would be nice to meet her, the pack needs to know who we share the packed with” ‘Samuel’ told harry.

Harry opened the door further and a man with blonde hair and brown eyes came in. “Charlie this is Samuel, he’s the alpha from the neighbouring werewolf pack, we have a packed with them” Harry told me.

I smiled at Samuel. “It’s nice to meet you alpha Samuel” I told him politely. The boys smiled at me and Samuel nodded.

“She polite and she has manners. I like her, the packed is still in tacked. See you later” Samuel said walking out of the house.

Liam smiled at me and harry closed the door. “I think it’s time for you to eat Charlie” Liam told me. I nodded and harry took me to the kitchen.

“What would you like to eat” Harry asked me. I looked at him

“What do you have” I asked him politely.  He shrugged and walked to the fridge and opened it.

“Erm how about a sandwich” he asked me. I nodded and he made me one super speed.

“That’s so cool” I told him. He laughed and shook his head; His curls bobbing up and down.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, eat your sandwich Charlie. Before Niall comes and eats it” Harry told me. I nodded and took a bite out of my sandwich.

After I had eaten I yawned.

“Time for bed miss Charlie” harry told me. I nodded and he led me to a room. On the door it said Charlotte

I smiled at walked into the room. I looked round. it was a purple room with a large bed in the middle, it also had a window seat. The rest of the room had a book shelf and a desk. “This is perfect” I told harry. He nodded and walked out of the room. I got changed into spotty pyjama bottoms and a top that said ‘I’m always tired’.

I climbed into the bed and fell asleep. I woke up to some covering my mouth.

I looked up and didn’t recognise the person. “This will only hurt a little” the voice said before it plunged its teeth into my neck. The pain intensified as my blood was sucked out of my body. The bedroom door flew open and the person was tore off of me. I was awake long enough to see the person disappear.

“Charlie come on stay awake, LOUIS I NEED YOU HELP IN HERE” a voice shouted. My eyes fluttered open. “Zayn” I mumbled. He stroked my face as a comforting gesture. My bedroom door opened again.

“Zayn what did you do?” a voice asked. My eyes closed again.

Louis it wasn’t me, heal her please. No come on Charlie, keep your eyes open” zayn panicked.

I felt a hand at the side of my neck. The pain was gone, now I just felt drained. “She’ll be ok now, just tired. What happened zayn” Louis asked.

I forced my eyes open. “I woke up to some putting their hand over my mouth. The voice told me ‘it would only hurt for a second’ it hurt so bad and then zayn came in. He saved me Louis. Don’t be mad at zayn please” I begged him tiredly.

Louis looked at me and then nodded. “Ok but get some sleep. Zayn stay with her, the attacker might come back. I’ll wake the others and tell them. (I was about to get up) it’s better if you sleep Charlie. They might go into vampire mode, with you being threatened and all” he told me.

I nodded and laid back down. Zayn sat next to me and took my hand. “I’ll keep you safe Charlie, I promise” he told me. I looked at him and nodded.

Not long after I fell into deep sleep.

“WHERE IS SHE” three loud voices shouted. I groaned and rolled over. I heard zayn stand up and walk to the bedroom door.

“Guys calm down, she’s sleeping” zayn told them. I didn’t hear a reply only a growl.

Oh no

They’d gone into vampire mode!

This was not good.

I sat up and looked towards the door fearfully. Zayn saw me and looked outside the door. “Guys calm down, your scaring Charlie” zayn snapped at them.

“Let us see her zayn” a demonic voice ran out. Zayn refused to move and was on the floor in pain.

The next minute I was in someone else’s arms.

“It’s ok Charlie we won’t let anyone hurt you” the demonic voice whispered in my ear. I froze and tried to get away from it. But the arms; they wouldn’t realise me.

Louis ran into the room. “Harry mate, let go of her. She’s scared. Just give her to me” Louis told the person that was holding me.

Harry growled and held me tighter. I whimpered. Zayn got up. “Harry man come on your hurting her, let her go” zayn told harry. Harry realised me and I ran over to Louis.

Niall and Liam growled whilst harry snapped out his little vampire mode. “Guys stop were scaring her” he told niall and Liam. They both froze and looked at me.

Louis put me down and looked me in the eyes. “Tell them what you’re feeling, come on Charlie you’re the only one who can calm them down” Louis told me. I looked at Liam and Niall.

There red eyes glaring at Louis. “You guys are scaring me. Please stop” I whimpered. Their eyes slowly turned back to brown and blue.

Liam slowly walked over and picked me up. “I’m sorry Charlie. We just wanted to protect you. Not become your worst fear” Liam told me. I hugged him and then looked him in the eyes.

“It’s ok Liam, I understand. You felt threatened because I was hurt and your vampire took over. It’s OK” I told him.

He nodded and I yawned. “Come on Liam put her back in her bed. So she can go back to sleep. Zayn will stay with her” Louis told Liam. Liam laid me in my bed and they all left. Zayn stood in the corner of the room.

“Go to sleep Charlie, I’ll be her to keep you safe” he told me. I nodded and slowly fell asleep.

Two questions lingered in my mind.

Who was that person and why did they try to kill me?

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