What the hell happened and a trip to the hospital

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Ok so I'm a little bored so I might update more then once or twice a week if i write chapters in school. 

What the hell happened? And a trip to the hospital

Marcus’s point of view

Me and Sophie left to feed and get some food <----- well blood… I guess

 After we had finished we set back off to Charlie’s house. When we got to the house; the smell of blood attacked my senses. I looked at Sophie and she shrugged.  I ran inside to see Liam attempting CPR. I looked at the body on the floor and saw Charlie. “What the hell happened” I growled motioning to Charlie that was on the floor.

I saw niall slowly advancing on the bloody mess; I growled as he came within 5cm of the blood. “Mine” niall growled.

Louis got up and dragged niall out of the room. He returned with zayn. I looked around. “Where’s harry” I asked confused.

Liam looked up glaring and then continued CPR on Charlie. “He’s the reason Charlie’s like this, now someone call the damn ambulance” he ordered.

Rebecca who ‘magically appeared out of nowhere on the phone and gave us a sad smile. “Ambulance is on its way” she told us in a small voice

I growled at Rebecca; she was physic, she could have stopped this. “Your physic you could have stopped this for the high vampires sake” I snapped at her.

The sound of sirens made me break my gaze away from Rebecca and turned to Charlie. I heard her heart beat stutter. The paramedics burst through the door brining a gurney in with them. Two out of the three of them swarmed Charlie, they pulled out two needles and jabbed them into Charlie’s arm. A small gasp left Charlie’s mouth, Liam, zayn and Louis growled and then the paramedics picked Charlie up and put her on the gurney they had brought in.

Paramedic’s point of view

Looking over at the young girl; I attached an IV line. She was the 10th victim this month of a vampire over indulging on blood. Her mate kept glancing over at her. I motioned for him to come over. He did. “Is she going to be ok” he asked me.

I sighed and looked at him. “Statistics show that around 75% of cases survive with only a small amount of damage but 25% die in the 2nd day. If this girl is strong then she just might survive” I explained to him whilst securing the girl to the gurney.

He sighed and took her hand lightly in his. “I’m so sorry I didn’t protect you Charlie, I promise I’ll take better care of you now” he whispered to her.

I smiled at them. “What’s you name” I asked him now knowing that the young girl was now called Charlie.

He looked up at me and sighed. “My name is Zayn and this is charlotte but she prefers to be called Charlie” he told me.

I nodded and we pulled into the hospital. I lifted the gurney up with mark and carried it in with Charlie on. The doctor who was in charge was waiting and took her straight to emergency. I turned and saw zayn about to enter the room. “Sorry you can’t go in there” I told him.

He growled at pinned me against the wall. “That is my mate in there, I have to be with her” he growled at me, his fangs showing.

I took a deep breath and his grip tightened. “I’ll see what I can do, just let me down” I told him in a calm voice.

He nodded and slowly let me down. I rubbed my neck and walked into the emergency room. The doctor and nurses surrounded Charlie. The doctor looked at me. “You’ve come for news” he asked me.

I nodded and he sighed rubbing his bald head. “Tell her mates that she’s in a blood reduced coma and if she makes it through the 2nd day she’ll live if not then… well let’s just say they need to prepare themselves” the doctor told me.

I nodded and walked back out of the room. Her mate was now joined by 4 other boys. They looked up as I walked out. Zayn walked over to me. “Doc said she’s in a blood reduced coma and if she makes it past the 2nd day she’ll only have minor damage” I told them.

The boy with curly hair and green eyes looked up and then returned his gaze to the floor. “But what does that mean” he growled.

I sighed. “It means that if she doesn’t make any improvements in 2 days then she won’t make it, I’m sorry” I told them before walking away. 

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