headache and school

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Headache and school

The next morning I woke and felt someone next to me. I turned my head and saw niall. I slowly moved, so I did not wake him. “Good morning Charlie” niall told me before tickling me; I fell backwards; so I was lying on the bed again.

I giggled and tried to get away from him. “P…Pl…ple…please stop” I begged him while I continued to laugh. He looked at me seriously.

“Only if you say niall is the best” niall told me in a mocking voice.

By now I was gasping for air. “Ok (he lifted his hands up) NIALL IS THE BEST” I shouted.

Niall laughed and I sat up, the world spun. Niall looked at me concerned. “You ok” he asked me. I nodded slowly but that just made me even dizzier.

Liam ran in and laid me down. “Breath Charlie its ok” he told me. I nodded and slowly took a deep breath.

Niall ran out and returned a few seconds later with Louis; who ran straight over to me. He put his hand on my head and the pain increased. I screamed in pain. It felt like I had a million pins piercing my brain at the same time.

Louis looked at me apologetically and then at Liam. “Call the doctor, all I’ve just made it worse” Louis told Liam before I blacked out.

Liam’s point of view (I’m just testing out point of views. Tell me if you don’t like it)

After I had phoned the doctor, I focused on Charlie’s mind.

‘Pain…pain…pain. Why won’t they stop the pain? They’re supposed to care’

I sighed and walked over to Charlie. I held her hand. “Charlie we care about you. Don’t worry. We called the doctor. We don’t know what to do. We’re sorry” I told her softly.

‘Liam how can you hear me?’

I laughed lightly at the curiosity filling her mind. “I can read minds Charlie. I’m going to go for a while and wake the other boys up. Will you be ok” Liam asked me.

‘Yeah I’ll be fine Liam’

I sighed and walked to zayn’s room. I opened the door and shoved him onto the floor. He woke up and glared at me. “What the hell man” he shouted at me.

I looked at him. “Charlie’s ill or something, we’re not sure yet. We’ve called the doctor. I thought you might want to go sit with her” I told zayn. He looked at me and saw I was serious. He darted out of the room and I saw Louis sat in the corner of the hall, his head in his hands.

“I made everything worse Liam. How could I do that to her” he muttered to me. I looked at him and then made my to Harry’s room. I knocked on the door and he opened it.

“Liam it’s early what’s wrong” he asked me rubbing his eyes.

I looked at him and sighed. “Charlie’s ill and Louis tried to heal her. It didn’t work and he’s blaming himself. I thought if anyone could get through to him it would be you” I told harry. He nodded and then ran out of his room and to the corner Louis was in.

I walked back over to Charlie’s room just as the doctor was leaving. He smiled at me. “It’s just her powers coming in. it’ll keep her out for a while. Just keep an eye on her and she’ll be fine. I recommend that you don’t leave her alone. She should wake up anytime now” the doctor told me before leaving. I nodded and watched the doctor walk away.

Walking into Charlie’s room, I focused on her mind again.

‘The pain is gone Liam, when will I wake up’

I sat beside her and grabbed her hand. “You will wake up whenever you wake up Charlie. It’s up to you” I told her.

A few minutes later Charlie’s eyes flicked open. I sighed in relief and she slowly sat up. “Why did I pass out, what’s wrong with me” she asked worried.

I gave her a small smile. “It’s just your powers coming through. It will be painful and you will have to be taught who to use them. It will be like a sort of school. But harder I guess” I told her.

She nodded and lay back down. “I’m going to go back to sleep. Good night Liam” she told me. I nodded and watched as she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

one direction's mate (a vampire story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن