finally free

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Louis point of view

The cell door creaked open and a girl with blonde hair and bluey green eyes came in. “Hi I’m abbie alpha Samuel’s mate, we’re here to rescue you and your mate” she told us before undoing the chains.

We fell to the floor with a thump and abbie laughed. “Not funny” niall groaned.

Abbie froze for a moment like she was having a convosation with herself. “Sorry about that, alpha Samuel was telling me he found your mate and another young girl” abbie told me.

We looked at her. “Can we see her” we asked.

Abbie looked at me and nodded. “Yeah come on I’ll take you to her” abbie told us.

We jumped up off of the floor and she led us down a dark gloomy hall. The smell of werewolves hit us. We walked faster and saw two werewolves holding to girls, the wolves turned to us and one of them nudged Charlie. She looked up and smiled weakly at us. Harry ran over to her and took her off the werewolf. She snuggled into his chest and slowly fell asleep. Samuel walked over to us. “We found another girl as well and we’re not sure who her mates are there’s no more vampires here. We’re going to take her to the authorities and they should be able to find her mates” Samuel told us in a low voice.

I nodded and walked over to the other girl. “Hi is Charlie ok” she asked me.

I looked at her confused. “How do you know Charlie?”  I asked her softly.

She looked over at Charlie. “She was put in the same room as me. She cried and I tried to calm her down. But I think she kept me calmer. Please take care of her, she amazing. Can I come visit her one day” the girl asked enthusiastically.

I laughed at her enthusiasm. “When you find your mates come find us, what’s your name” I asked her.

“Oh where are my manners. I’m Robyn” she told me

I nodded and walked back over to the boys. “Let’s go home” I told them, they boys nodded and we all left the torturous warehouses in vampire speed. Harry passed Charlie to niall and he hugged her. I can almost positively say tears rolled down his face. When we got home the smell of dried blood hit us. Harry and zayn walked off to clean up. Niall walked over and handed Charlie to me. I smiled down at her and she woke up.

“Louis” she whispered hugging me.

I smiled and hugged her back. “You’re ok now Charlie, I won’t let anybody hurt you” I told her.

She nodded and I sat on the couch; Charlie on my knee. “I was so scared that they would hurt you guys, (she froze for a moment) what happened to Robyn is she ok? Did she get hurt?” Charlie asked worried.

I smiled down at her, “Robyn is fine, and she’s getting taken to the authorities. But at the moment I’m more worried about you. How are you feeling?” I asked her.

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