the car ride and more about lauren

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3rd person

The car ride was long and boring, Charlie was asleep, and Louis was bored. The other boys were bored two but didn’t show it like Louis did. Louis leaned forward and messed zayn’s hair up. Liam and the other boys glared at Louis. “Why did you mess up zayn’s hair Louis” Liam asked sternly. (Bit of daddy direction).

Meanwhile zayn was panicking about his hair; he didn’t notice he accidently hit Charlie. She woke up with a start. “Ouch what was that for zayn” she almost shouted holding her nose.

Niall gasped and moved Charlie’s hand to check her nose, nothing was broken. Zayn didn’t notice, he was trying to find his mirror to re due his hair.

Charlie shook her head at him and laid back on her seat, “zayn your hair is fine” Charlie told him.

Niall looked at zayn and shook his head. “Hey Charlie why don’t you tell us about your cousin; her names Lauren right” niall asked her.

Charlie’s face lit up. “Oh Lauren is amazing, when she meets new people she’s so shy but once she breaks out of her shell she’s, loyal, a joker, and a fantastic friend. With Lauren you always feel accepted, like even if you do something wrong. She’ll always be there. She’ll do a lot of things for you and she won’t ever get mad at you for it. She’s the best cousin I could ever ask for” Charlie told them, her face glowing whilst remembering her cousin.

 Harry smiled at her and she sighed. Her mind thinking back to the first day of high school or secondary school (I don’t know which you are).

Flash back third person

Charlie walked through the taughting double doors. She looked up at the grim building. This wasn’t how she expected school. It wasn’t like the movies. The children around her started at her like they had never seen her before. Well of course they hadn’t it was her first day. She searched the crowd, looking for a familiar face. Finally she found the face she had been searching for. A look of relief rushed over her. She hurried her pace and the girl turned to her. “There you are Charlie, come on let’s get you to your first class. Don’t look so worried Charlie, you have Sophia remember and no one can harm you. I won’t let them” she told me looking at me with an encouraging face. I nodded and sighed. “But Lauren what if what if no one likes me” I asked her. She laughed and shook her head. “We won’t be here long Charlie, our mates will come soon, I can promise you that” she told me. I nodded and I gave her a goodbye hug. She smiled and left me to make my way to class.

End of flash back, flash back to Charlie’s very first open day.

Charlie sat in the hall and looked up at her cousin. She was worried, what if her cousin left her, and she couldn’t handle that. She’s already lost so many friends and family. Sophia must have known something was wrong with Charlie as she gripped her hand tightly. Charlie looked at her best friend. She nodded and her as a sign of thankfulness. The door flew open and a vampire came in. Lauren walked closer to Charlie. “Lauren please come here please, and say your goodbyes” the vampire shouted. Lauren turned to me and bent down to Charlie’s height. “Charlie please be good, I promise you’ll see me again, tell my parents I love them. Never forget me” Lauren told Charlie. Charlie nodded and took off her charm bracelet. “So you don’t forget me” Charlie told Lauren. Lauren smiled and put it in her pocket. She gave Charlie one more hug before she left the building with the vampire. Charlie had never felt so alone.

End of flash back.

Charlie let a tear slip down her cheek and laid her head on zayn’s shoulder. She closed her eyes and slowly fell into s light sleep.  Liam sighed and he didn’t notice the car that came flying in from the lane over. Liam’s car flipped over, and rolled over 3 times before it came to a complete stop of course the vampires won’t hurt, but could the same be said for Charlie?

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