All about me!

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So I got a comment from tepfunnystyles asking to know more about me, so here’s everything about me,

Name: Megann

Age: 14

Birthday: 4th October

Favourite book: HARRY POTTER

Height: 5’1 ½

Favourite colour: purple, but it will vary daily. Sometimes aquamarine if I feel random

Best friend/s: I have so many abbie (Octopusmice) ellie (Dreambigwritebigx) Bethany, Lauren (theskyisourlimit) and loads of other people

Personality: sometimes moody, weird, emotional, caring, not really popular but have good friends, polite, shy around people I don’t know, confidence problems. My sister says that I don’t let hate faze me, I just power through as it helps inspire me to prove over people wrong. Over achiever is something’s. My friends say I’m good at advice.

Nicknames: swotville – given to me by abbie as she thinks I’m a swot, I just laugh and carry on my day

                     Megyannya- I think that’s how you spell it, because abbie wanted another nickname for me

                     Smurfy- ellie came up with this because I love smurfs and are sort of obsessed with it.

Pet hates

I hate it when I have known someone for years and they spell my name wrong, it’s weird because it has a double n on the end

I don’t like it when words are spelt wrong or the punctuation is wrong, my friends say I get really annoying during this point.

I don’t like bullies. I’ve been bullied in the past but I don’t understand why people are bullied.  So if you are being bullied and need someone to talk to, talk to me, I’m always happy to help.

I don’t like being compared to people either because it’s horrid and makes you feel like you have to be better.

10 facts about me

1.       I have an older sister

2.       I have a step sister who is younger

3.       Both parents are divorced and remarried

4.       I’m in y9

5.       I am in a lot of clubs and get chosen for a lot of things in school

6.       I like certain subjects in school

7.       I have written for a website called exclaimer, the issue I’ve wrote in hasn’t been published yet but check out exclaimer magazine issue 10 and you should fins the article

8.       I aspire to a journalist but my dream is to be a writer

9.       I am friends with everyone even if they don’t like me.

10.   I’m named after my mums dog

When I first started writing, I had a few people in my family ask me why I did. I didn’t really have an answer than and I don’t really have one that makes sense. But as I’ve got older I’ve worked out that when I write I can release my emotions and nobody will know it’s me. It gives me a sense of peace.

I want to be a journalist because I want to write about things that matter, but I also want to be a writer because I want to help people, like books have helped me, if I didn’t have books I don’t know where I’d be.

My favourite song at the moment is, if I die young by the band Perry but I’m also obsessed with Disney songs like colours of the wind.

I’m obsessed with harry potter just ask any of my friends, if anything is mentioned about harry potter I’m there.

I love writing collab stories with other people because I just like interpreting and writing there idea’s down.

So this is me, I’m a normal 14 year old girl, who has many obsessions, so if you have more questions or whatever inbox me. 

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