"Here's a flower for you" I said as he groan groaned as he hung upside down

I tucked a flower into his tied hands ad exited the room hearing a thud behind me. I scoffed as I walked into the kitchen, slipping a flower into my hair. I grabbed a muffin as Shawn walked in. I completely ignored him like he didn't exist. He could be mad at me for doing what not everybody would do and I could be mad at him for not appreciating the fact that I'm willing to risk my life for him so he could see his family again and live in the lap of luxury. Every winner becomes extremely famous and rich, which is why the players are so eager to kill everybody. Jacob eventually made it out of the room, all scuffed up. We made it to the limo where I literally was nice to the keepers. I gave them a flower each which shocked them, I was being nice to them for the first time although deep down inside of me I had instinct to just run. When I exited the car I smirked at them and winked as I shut the car door. The flower I gave Jacob was there to remind him what a jerk he is and the flowers I gave the keepers where going to kill them. Deadly, I know. Shawn and I were shoved into the ship which made me think to give everybody flowers. And I did. Eventually the peace keepers I came in contact with had signed there own death certificates. I sat in silence besides Shawn as peace keepers were watching over us, Jacob stood behind them filing his nails which made me give a mental laugh. I was getting annoyed by the keepers so I gave them each a flower which they accepted regretfully. I sapped my fingers softly so they wouldn't hear and suddenly the keepers slumped forward making me laugh. Jacobs eyes widened and Shawn just stared at the keepers.

"Where the heck did you get those flowers?!" he asked, checking the keepers pulse

"Its not the flowersss" I sung with a smirk

Shawn just elbowed me and I did the same back, sticking my tounge out. I sighed as Jacob frantically tried to cover up the keepers. I snapped my fingers once again and the peace keepers snapped back up, looking around in confusion, still holding the flowers.

"You fell asleep on the job guys" I said shaking my head

I could hear Jacobs heart race which made me laugh again, this time receiving stares from everyone. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, hopefully we would land soon. I noticed Shawn nervously tapping a beat on his legs with his hands. I could hear him whispering "Tripping over myself, aching begging you to call help". I looked over at him with a frown, never heard those lyrics to anything, catchy though. We felt the ship descend and the keepers stood up, grabbing Shawn and I's arm. Jacob eyed us as we were led off the ship and blind folded. I was suddenly thrust into a room and I fell to the ground. My hands finally being free, untied my blind fold. When I took it off I saw a tube leading up in the center of the room. I stood up and started to dust myself off. The door opened and in came Jeremy with a bag.

"Here hun, just in case" he said in a whisper

I mouthed a thank you and he nodded.

"I hope your able to make it" he said putting a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and looking into my eyes

"No promises" I said with a smile

A TV in the room flickered on and showed that there was a timer to get into the tube.

"Kill em girl" he said with a smile

I smiled at the thought that this guy was caring enough to be my mother. I stepped into the tube with the bag on my shoulder.

"Press the button on the bag" he said

I did and the whole bag disappeared. I raised my eyebrows and looked up at him.

"So I don't get in trouble for smuggling things to you" he said with a grin

I laughed but it didn't last long as the tube door slid closed. A wave of fear and nervousness washed over me. I bit my lip as the tube went up and a trap door above me opening. I blocked my eyes as the sun came and attacked me for the millionth time. I adjusted to the light, noticing all the other players around me. Some were cracking there knuckles and others were whimpering or crying. I looked at Shawn who shook his head at me. I looked forward at the two bags of supplies with the number 12 on them. Beside them were two long bags with the same number on them most likely holding weapons.

"Welcome to the 71st annual Games! 3...2...1!" the announcer yelled

I ran forward, Shawn and I being the fast ones. I grabbed a weapons bag and kept running, knowing that once a warrior got a hold of a weapon there would be blood shed. I got to the edge of the woods and looked back to see Shawn disappear into the woods on the other side. Then I saw a warrior swing an axe at a player who duked causing the player behind them to take the blow. I turned around and ran. The first thing I had to do was get to safety. I heard several loud bangs which signaled that someone died. I swallowed hard but kept running, maneuvering past trees and pushing plants aside, with my arms not powers... World isn't ready to see that yet. I suddenly tripped and rolled forward, causing me to wince because of the weight of the extra invisible bag on my back. I groaned and just sat there, panting and catching my breath. I looked down at my weapons bag and decided to open it. Inside were multiple knives, a bow an arrow, and a space gun. Yep that's right earthlings, a space gun. I put the space gun in my pocket, slung the bow over my shoulder as I put the arrows on my back. The knives I hid in my boots and stuff like that. I continued to walk through the thick forest, looking for somewhere good to make camp. I was whacking a bug from my face when I entered a clearing. I froze and gasped. There was a huge tree with out reaching branches and thick green leaves. I ran forward and began to climb the tree, pushing several branches aside to get to the center of the tree. I looked down and motioned my hand to make the leaves grow thicker so if somebody were to look up, they wouldn't immediately see me. I was pretty sure cameras couldn't see me in here so I used my powers. I pressed the button on the invisible bag and it turned visible. I took it off my back and opened it. Inside was a blanket, bug spray, several loose pieces of metal and different tools. And a flashlight. I chuckled lightly as I pulled out a hair brush, Jeremy had thought of everything huh? I motioned some branches to interwine into a small platform as I crawled ontop of it. I spread out the blanket as the sun began to set. I sprayed on some bug spray as bugs already started to bite me. I stuffed the extra bag with leaves and used it as a pillow. I didn't need my flashlight because my canine eyes adjusted with the light of the moon. I laid down and looked up at the sky. I felt a pulse go through my arm as I looked down to my wrist where the purple light was blinking on and off. Suddenly it projected a screen. It dinged for every person who died. The two kids from district five, Frank Jackson and Elizabeth Mclean, were both dead. So was Austin Mathews from District 3. 21 of us were left now, still a long way to go. The projection shut off and I sighed, putting my hands behind my head and looking back at the sky. The same stars from home... But in a much crueler world... I closed my eyes to sleep, relying on my instincts to wake me up if someone got close.

Invisible (S.M.) ✔Where stories live. Discover now