I smacked him and he stumbled back, his face slightly full of shock

"Whatcha gonna do bark? I'm sure your just going to put your tail in between your legs and walk right out." He said, a smirk plastered on his face

I grew angry at his talk about canines. Me being an alpha was extremal aroused when he told me I was going to back down. I felt a sudden burst of adrenaline rush through my body as my pain kink took pleasure in the after feeling of the blow.

"Nah, its going to be the other way around" I said with an evil smirk which made him furrow his brows

I ran forward and tackled him to the ground. HE eventually threw me off and came after me.

"To bad you cant fight something you cant see" I said with a smirk which made him suddenly grow scared

I turned invisible and running up behind him, jumped onto his back, hoping off with my arm wrapped around his neck. I threw him to the floor and became visible as he stood back up. He swung a good blow at me and pinned me up against the wall. I quickly swung several blows and tossed him to the side of the ring. I smirked as he suddenly chased me, causing me to run up the wall and jump, turning invisible mid air and kicking him into the wall. I swung several blows at him and became visible as he suddenly picked me up and threw me up against the wall. I groaned as I began to stand up. He grabbed me by the neck and held me up against the wall.

"How you gonna get out of this one?" he said with a smirk

An instinct took over me as I was afraid to die and my mouth clamped against his arm. He cried out and realized me, clutching his arm. I dropped to the floor and looked up, panting as he rubbed his arm and winced.

"You bit me?!" he said looking down at me

The doors swung open and Shawn ran in, a peace keeper chasing him. HE ran into the ring and helped me up, completely ignoring the completely shocked and in pain Jacob.

"You okay?" he asked, still supporting me with his arms

I nodded and looked at Jacob who was furious.

"She bit me! How do you bite someone?! That hurts like hell!" he shouted as he opened his first aid kit

I smirked and realized the blood on my mouth wasn't mine, but his. His eyes widened as I licked my lips the same way Jake did without Shawn noticing.

"You savage mutt" I heard him mumble

I was about to outburst when I realized Shawn had started staring at me.

"You bit him?" he asked, looking slightly concerned at me

"Well he was choking me and asked me how I would get out, so I bit him" I said, rubbing my neck from the memory

"Right..." Shawn responded, leading me off of the ring.

We continued training, Jacob way more cautious around me than before. He focused on Shawn in training, telling me to observe. I observed Shawn, whos move were almost bird like when he jumped to dodge the things Jake started to throw at him. Talking about birds, that smell was hitting my nose causing me to fight with my tools so I wouldn't go crazy over the fact I was hungry.

I built another odd part which made me wonder, why was I building this? I just shrugged and put it into my bag as Jacob and Shawn walked towards me.

"Come on, were going to go eat" Jacob stated as Shawn grabbed his bag which was beside mine

We went to the cafeteria which made me drool when I saw the steaks. I ate steak, bacon, jerky, and of course muffins. Shawn just stared at me as I ate.

Invisible (S.M.) ✔Where stories live. Discover now