Ladies of Avenged Sevenfold

Start from the beginning

Sophia climbed onto the empty space to my left with her toy piano in hand, causing me to become relaxed at the sigh of my daughter. 

"Ma." She said, situating herself beside me. She handed me the piano and pointed to the sixteen colorful keys. "P-ay." 

I couldn't help but smile, seeing Sophia was becoming a curious little creature when it came to music. She'd been messing with the drum-set and piano down in the basement ever since she was able to touch them with Brian's consent. She was still a little bit too young to grasp a guitar, though he would occasionally let her smack the strings, which she'd get a kick out of. 

Seeing how interested she was in music, I bought her a sixteen key toy piano and since the day she had it in her hands, she'd treat it like a pot of gold and wouldn't let it go. Every hour of the day I'd hear the keys being smacked or fiddled with. For some, it may have been the most annoying thing they'd ever got an earful of, but for Brian and I, it was music to our ears. 

"You want me to play you a song?" She nodded, folding her legs under her bottom, coming off as anxious. "Alright. How about Chopsticks?" I placed my fingers on the plastic keys and started to play the familiar tune. She bounced up and down, enjoying the repetitive melody. I chuckled finding her excitement and fascination in the music completely adorable. 

Once I stopped, she clapped her hands and smiled-- The same exact smile as her father. 

I pecked her soft cheek, "You look just like your dad. It's seriously incredible." 

"Daddy." She repeated, with a smile growing on her face.

"You wanna see your daddy?" I asked, taking my phone off the coffee table and unlocking it. A picture of Brian appeared on my phone's wallpaper as I handed the device to her. She carefully took it from my hands, staring intently at the screen, probably trying to understand what she was looking at. "That's your daddy, babe." 

"Da-da." She again repeated, letting the phone fall to her lap.

The mind of a child is something that always captivated me-- I wanted to know what she was thinking as she was looking at the picture. I wanted to know her reasons for dropping the phone. I wanted to know so much, but she couldn't communicate. 

I sighed, taking the phone from her lap and locking it again. "Okay. How about we don't dwell on daddy's absence cause the last thing I want to do is see you fall into a depression..." I took the piano and my phone, set them on the other side of me and refreshed the web-page. Sophia rested her head against my arm, her attention now focused on the laptop screen where my browser was open, displaying my inbox. Suddenly, the most bizarre thought entered my mind. "Let's Google him, yeah? Auntie Lindsay does it, why can't we?"

I opened a new web-page, eager to see the laud wife-sites and the many photos of the guys they had managed to get their sticky fingers on. Despite my eagerness to look at the blogs, my mind drew a blank. I wiggled my fingers over the keyboard, now unsure of what I was supposed to look up. 

Lindsay has mentioned many Tumblr blogs that consisted of the guys' and the ladies, but right when I was about to get to digging, I froze. For starters, I didn't remember one blog she mentioned and I also feared that I'd go into one that she didn't trust. I didn't want to come across a picture, or a comment that would upset me, or sadden me, for it would only start even more drama in my marriage... And that is precisely what I didn't want.

My fingers got to work, typing in: 

Avenged Sevenfold Wives Tumblr 

I pressed enter and watched the search engine load endless amounts of results. Uncertain of where I should begin, I used the mouse pad to click on the first link which claimed to be the Tumblr account of, "Ladies of Avenged Sevenfold" or as the url was exhibited,

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