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I walked into my house to my father slapping me in my face. "You little whore! How dare you bring that... that boy here in my house!" he yelled.

I had tears streaming down my face. "Stop crying you baby!" he yelled grabbing me by my hair. His breath reeked of beer. My mother walked in the room.

"What are you doing!" she yelled. "Teaching this slut a lesson! That's what!" he yelled back at her. He threw me on the couch and slapped me.

"Leave her alone!" my mother yelled hitting my father on the back. His eyes turned red he turned around smacking my mom in the face. Flinging her across the room.

He grabbed me by the arm making me look at him. "You want to know what little ugly sluts like yourself get?" he asked. I didn't reply I just looked at him tears streaming down my face.

He bent me over his knee. He spanked me. "Count!" he yelled. He spanked me again. "One," I said. He spanked me around 20 times before he let me up.

He grabbed me by my hair taking me to my room upstairs, passing my mother who was now passed out on the floor.

He opened the door and threw me in. This wasn't the first time this happened either...

My father has beaten me multiply times. Sadly this was the first time my mother found out. I couldn't take it anymore I walked into my bathroom.

Tears still streaming down my face. I opened the last drawer next to my sink. Pulling out a blade. I cut myself once before when the beatings first started. The tiny blade still had blood on it from the first time.

I held the cold piece of metal up to my wrist. Toke a deep breath and dug the blade into my skin. My fathers words running through my head. "Slut", "whore", and "ugly".

When I said each one I cut myself. Blood streaming down my wrist. I continued cut after cut each one deeper than the last.

I became light headed. I began to list the people who wouldn't want me to die. I decided if I said a name of someone that I care about the most I'll stop.

"Sarah," I said cutting my arm. "My mom," I said making another cut. My vision became blurry. "Austin," I said but this time I didn't cut my arm. Instead I smiled and before I knew it I passed out. Surrounded by a pool of my own blood...

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