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When we pulled up to the gym Sarah and I spotted Austin red rover. "Bye mom!" I said. "Taylor I was wondering if you would like to invite Austin and Alex to our house for dinner tonight?" my mother asked.

"That sounds like a nice idea mom," I said hopping out of the car. "Okay then be home by 6!" she yelled out the window. I waved goodbye to her.

When Sarah and I walked in I saw Austin in a black t-shirt and a pair of red shorts. Alex was looking at his phone wearing a blue tank top and blue shorts.

"There you guys are!" Austin said. "Let's just go play some hoops," Sarah said. I walked up to the counter. "We would like four basketballs please," I said to the woman.

The woman went in the back and returned with four basketballs. "Do you have your membership card?" she asked. I pulled out my card and handed it to her. She scanned it and gave it back to me opening up the door to the gym.

We all walked into the gym. "This gym is sweet!" Alex said. Sarah walked up to Alex and grabbed his hand. Alex smiled at Sarah.

"Taylor's always dragging me here when it's too cold to play out side," Sarah said. "Hey you know I have to keep in shape if I want to stay on the basketball team at school," I said in my defense.

Austin walked up behind me and put his arm on my shoulders. "So I'm guessing you're pretty good at basketball?" Austin asked. "She's the best on the basketball team!" Sarah said having me and Austin turning around.

"Well let's stop talking and she what she got!" Austin said grabbing a basketball. "Why don't we warm up then we can have a two-on-two. Sarah and I versus you and Alex," I said to Austin.

"Sounds good to me," Austin said smirking. When we were done warming up Austin and Alex toke off their shirts. Revealing their abs.

"Since you two are girls you can go first," Austin said teasingly. I straight faced Austin. "Taylor?" Sarah asked. "What?" I said. She leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Taylor but I stink at basketball..."

"It's okay when you get the ball just pass it to me, and you aren't that bad," I whispered back to her. Austin checked me the ball at the top of the key.

I ran in for a lay up but was blocked by Alex. "Sarah!" I yelled passing her the ball. She squared up and shot making it in the basket. Sarah and I high fived.

I checked the ball to Austin. He passed it to Alex and Sarah blocked it receiving the ball. She ran to the top of the key and passed me the ball. I was open and toke the shot the ball going in. "Two to nothing," I said to Austin smirking.

The game went on for probably and hour. The final score was girls: 10 boys: 6. "You are good!" Alex said. We all laughed.

"So how does it feel to lose to me again Austin?" I said laughing. "How do you know if I was just letting you win?" Austin said with a smirk. I laughed, "Sure you did Mahone."

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