Chapter 26

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Normal POV

There stood the king and a line of soldiers. The room went quiet.

"Father. I wish to deeply apologize for my actions during recent events. I will accept any punishment you deem worthy." Huishi said politely.

"Your Majesty! If you wish to punish Huishi then punish me as well. I was helping her with the eclipse project!" The Head of the royal guard proclaimed.

"You can't even blame her for her actions! She was being used by others! She was trying to stop 10,000 dragons coming and destroying everything!" Lucy declared. There was a chorus of agreements.

"Besides. If it weren't for her we wouldn't be gathered here today as we are." Sting said happily.

"Indeed. She has brought us all together" Rouge agreed.

"I don't know what she's done wrong but I can assure you she meant well! I don't even know her that well, but I do know that she is a good person and wants only what is best!" Y/n shouted. The king looked upon the wizards whom just defended his daughters actions. He smiled.

"Huishi. I have prepared a suitable punishment for you". He then walked up to her, jumped up, and placed a mascot head on her. The mascot was Mato, the mascot of the Grand Magic Games.

"You mean, your not punishing her?" Y/n inquired.

"I am! She must wear that for a week, not matter where she goes!" The room broke out into laughter. The lively vibe returned as wizards interacted with one another. The music started again as well.

"Y/n. Thank you for being a good friend, despite the fact that we haven't known each other long...'kin" Huishi said.

"No problem! Besides I have a feeling in my gut that your a good person" Y/n replied.

"You are quite brave Y/n. I wish I had that bravery 'kin".

"Huh? I appreciate the praise but I don't see myself as particularly brave in a sense".

"You are brave. Willing to openly reveal your forbidden magic to the whole world like that 'kin".

"Well as the... Never mind"

"Don't worry. I know about the prophecy 'kin". Y/n spit out her drink in shock.

"Huishi! You know this means..."

"I understand. But a phrase speaks of the Jade. Huishi means Jade. It says the Jade will know after 7 years. I've known for a while now. I understand that you didn't quite understand the vaugness of the prophecy. Especially because it took you so long to figure out about you and Rouge 'kin".

"Yeah. I mean some stuff us clear cut but its soo loong! How am I gonna remember that whole thing?!"

"I understand. Just remember, if you ever need to talk to someone about it then come here to Crocus. If you tell the guards that I sent you they'll let you in. If they still insist, show your wings 'kin."

"Thanks Your Highness".

"Please call me Huishi 'kin".

"Got it! See you another time Huishi". She walked away as Erza approached.

"Hey Y/n".

"Hey Erza. How are you doing?"

"Just fine. Congratulations on the wedding".

"Thank you! I suppose that you and Mystogan are getting married soon hmm. If ya know what I mean. Wink wink nudge nudge". She blushed intensely.

"H-h-how did you kn-know??"

"Oh! I knew it! Can I be your bridesmaid?!"

"I mean about... M-mystogan".

"Oh Erza! Your adorable when your embarrassed". Y/n pat her on the head. 

"Sh-shut u-up! I was gonna ask if you wanted to drink?"

"Well in honor of us never truly fighting in the games, let's make it a competition! Drinking contest here and now! CANA! Throw us 10 barrels!" Ten barrels then appeared stacked up next to a table with two bar stools. 

"Place your bets! Who will win! My lovely Y/n, or the monster of a wizard Erza?!" Sting yelled like a game announcer. People started placing bets.

"3. 2. 1. Go!" Rouge started. Y/n grabbed a barrel and started chugging. Halfway through the competition Ex/n walked in.

"What's going on" She asked Sting.

"Y/n and Erza are in a drinking competition! So far it looks like Erza will be the winner, but this is still anyone's game!" Sting replied. Ex/n's face went white, and she fell on her knees.

"Oh no... Oh no no no No No NO NO NO GOD NO!!!"

"Huh? Ex/n what's wrong?" Lector asked.

"Y/n...drunk...I'm...gonna die...were all gonna...die".


"The last time she was drunk, she nearly destroyed a whole town"!"

"She does that when she's not drunk!"


"That's right ya mother fuckers! Now get down and suck my dick you lowly bitches" Y/n yelled drunkenly.

"Y/n! You're only 18! You shouldn't be drinking!" Rouge yelled.

"Wait... Y/n isn't drunk at all! I know this cause the fire in my lungs means I can't get drunk at all! It burns out the alcohol! Y/n can't get drunk like me!" Natsu yelled.

"Hahahaha! You're quite smart for such a dumbass! Thanks for the help Ex/n! You too Sting! You know how to make some hype" Y/n yelled standing on the table.

"Hey that's unfair!"

"I demand a refund!"

"This was all a scam!"

"Hahahahahaha! Hey we didn't establish any system or rules so no rules were broken!" The sound of a bell tower rang out. It rang 12 times signaling midnight.

"Alright out out! You've already caused us enough trouble and cost us enough money! OUT!" Everyone started walking out.

"Yukino come on! We gotta get back to the inn" Y/n said.

"Yeah Yukino! Come on!" Kagura yelled. "I own your life so get over here".

"Your drunk go home!" Yukino followed Y/n with a small smile on her face.

"Thanks Y/n" She whispered.

"Come on Yukino. Our room is waiting".

"Hey Y/n?"


"Did you really mean that SaberTooth only wanted strong wizards? And weak ones would be kicked out?"

"Yeah. I did. And I still do!"

"Then why are you letting me in?"

"You're not weak Yukino. You're strong. You have a strong fortitude and you have a close connection with your spirits which is essential to Celestial Magic. So what if you lost a match to an equally strong opponent? It's my personal philosophy that failure makes a person stronger. Right Ex/n?"

"Yeah. Y/n lost a match. I don't see people considering her weak" Ex/n explained.

"Yeah. Yukino you should try being more independent. You've spent so much time since the time a while ago changing yourself. While I can't say it was for the worse, it still needs some work. Work on having more individuality, and being less of a soldier, and more of a person, for me alright?" Yukini smiled and nodded.

"Alright Y/n. For you, I will be a person".

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