Chapter 3

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Real quick in the first two chapters you were all like 7 and in this one your all like 16
Sting POV
"Hey Y/n" I yelled. She looked at me from her table.

"What's up Sting" She asked. I walked over and slid in across from her. Rogue was siting there too.

"We were just talking about jobs. I mean we gotta be able to pay for food" Rogue said.

"At least we don't have to pay rent" I said relived. I looked at three papers on the table. They were all job requests.

"I was thinking this one" Y/n said pointing to the far right one. It was a 100,000 jewel reward. We had to help a village with a monster problem.

"Alright. Seems good. I'll go tell master" Rogue said. He walked off.

"Sting could you hang these up. I'm gonna go get the exceeds". Y/n ran upstairs. I hung the other jobs up when she ran back down, Lector, Frosch and Ex/n walked behind her.

"Let's go!" She yelled. We followed her to the train station. Instantly I felt sick.

"Oh god just seeing it makes me wanna puke" I wined.

"Me too" Rouge said.

"Shut up. You two are so weak" Y/n said.

"You get sick too" I pointed out. She blushed. It looked so cute.

"So. At least I can get to the train before I puke" She said arms crossed. We all boarded. She went in a separate car because there was no room.

"Aah. At least I don't have to deal with them and faking motion sickness" You said relived.

"Why do you fake it around them" Ex/n asked.

"Because. I'm sure someday it'll come back and I will achieve something of little worth because one of them thought I got motion sickness". ((Totally not sutble foreshadowing))

"I swear I will never understand teenagers".

"Were here. Better put on the act". When you walked out you acted all sick and walked slumped over.

"Finally. We're off" Sting said relived.

"Whatever. This is the place" You said.

"But it looks so peaceful. And calm" Rogue said. Then the ground shook as a large lizard like monster started walking to the town.

"Does it look peaceful now"? You ran up, formed your wings and attacked.

"HELL FIRE DRAGON ROAR"! It fell backwards. As you were about to attack it again it walked away clearly injured. You de-formed your winds and dropped down safely. Then you saw Sting and Rogue with her.

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