Chapter 22

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Real quick can I say how much love opening 15! Cause I love opening 15! And not just for the NaLu. But the NaLu is a much appreciated bonus. Also the joke at the end of the chapter  is dedicated to Kitty_Maid717. Thanks for the idea Sasuke! ;)

Your POV

They teleported you out and into Crocus with the others. You all waited together for the flares to go off. They were explaining the different point system. There is a leader in each guild to be selected by it's members. They are worth 5 points, while other members are worth only one point.

"I elect Y/n to be our leader. She will be hiding, and therefore, no one can get 5 points off us" Minevra suggested.

"I politely object. My strategy will become obvious, and harder to pull off when people find out I'm our leader. I think your our best bet" You said.

"Are there any objections". Everybody shook their head. "Well we've got that down". The flares sounded, starting the games.

You all fanned out. They all had a specific target, mostly from Fairy Tail. You on the other hand had a nearly flawless strategy. You were going to hide on the outskirts of Crocus, and wait until either it was all members of one gild left, or just one member left. You hoped that you could save Ex/n with this strategy.

They were announcing a lot of stuff you didn't care about. It wasn't until later on in the day that what they said would matter at all to you. As you were on your way to your spot, you saw from the rooftops a battle between Quarto Puppy's Bacchus and Lamia Scales Yuka and Toby. You decided to end it quick. You jumped from the roof, and slammed Bacchus into the ground with your fist.

Bacchus was their leader, so you got 5 points putting Saber ahead in first. They declared a two on one against you when Kagura came out of fucking nowhere, and took them down. You took the chance of her being distracted to disappear, and continue looking for a good spot. Once you found it, you got comfortable, it was going to be a long day.


You felt a familiar magic surge through. Minevra was having fun with her prey. The sounds of explosions rang through. She might as well be starting an all out war.

"You always play dirty, don'tcha, Minevra? Heh heh heh. You get everybody to just do what you want. But the plan I have is a surefire way to win. You might as well be wasting your time. Don't worry. This strategy will get you back. Just watch me Ex/n" You mumbled to yourself.


You sat on the bench as the sun started to set. Battles between foes would end soon. Either one guild would stand, or even better, only one other wizard would stand.

"Fairy Tail is powerful! Will they win with all their members in tact?! There's only one challenger left. Y/n of Saber Tooth". That's what you needed to hear The crowd started chanting 'Fairy Tai! Fairy Tail!'.

"This is exactly as I wanted it to be. This must be fate" You said as the sun set and the night spread across the sky. You rushed out into the square and set off a flare. "HERE I AM FAIRY TAIL!! COME AT ME". You knew they all were close by enough to hear you, and if not then at least to see the flare.

They all came forward from separate paths, and stood lined up. They were all injured, wore tattered clothing, and were likely low on power.

"This is a sight to behold. The guild I once looked up to, and that Sting looked up to" You said.

"Save the small talk. This is the final battle" Gajeel said.

"We'll fight you one on one. Just pick one of us" Gray offered.

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