After spending hours with Dawn and Charmaine, I finally persuaded them to take me over Effrin's house.

"Damn this nigga got a nice ass house. What's the code for the gate?" Dawn asked, rolling down the window on her car.

I leaned over and punched in the code as the gates opened up, letting us come inside. Dawn slowly rolled into Effrin's driveway. "Damn, can we come inside?" Char asked, grabbing his purse like he was about to get out.

"Sure but don't touch nothing," I said, getting out of Dawn's car. I walked up the porch steps and pulled the key out of my purse. "Y'all be quiet," I whispered, kicking my shoes off at the door. I dropped my purse down at the door and walked through the house calling his name.

Marlon came from up the stairs. "Oh you're back gorgeous?" he asked, pulling me into a hug.

I sighed and nodded my head, yes. "Yeah."

"Yo mans told me about what happened today at the trap house."

I shrugged my shoulders. "So what? Is he here?"

He nodded his head, yes. "Yeah he's upstairs in his room. Who's this?" he asked, looking at Dawn and Charmaine.

"My friend's Dawn and Charmaine, this is Marlon, King's cousin. But I'm gonna need y'all to get the hell out."

Charmaine rolled his eyes. "Whatever bitch, just call us if that nigga hits you again. You know I'll give him them hands."

I laughed. "Alright bye guys." I hugged them and walked them to the door. "Is he upset?" I asked Marlon as I walked into the kitchen.

"Of course he's upset. The nigga been up there throwing shit around, with his busted ass lip," he said, trying not to laugh.

I smacked my lips. "That's not funny."

"You punched him in the face?"

"Yeah because he was acting like a little bastard."

He shook his head and tried to refrain from laughing. "Man y'all need to stop that shit. It ain't doing nothing but pulling the two of y'all apart and that spitting and pissing on each other is beyond trifling. I don't know why y'all sit up talking about y'all so in love but y'all doing shit to each other that I'd do to the person I hate the most," he replied.

"Why are you preaching this shit to me when I'm not the only one doing this?"

"I told him the exact same thing Sincere. Y'all was beating on each other before but y'all grown now and about to start a family, don't you think it's time that the two of y'all should grow up? At least for your little girl. You really want her to grow up around her parents fighting like some fucking crack heads out on the streets? She's gonna grow up thinking it's okay for people to fight like that and then she's gonna have some nigga putting his hands on her. I know you don't want that."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever Marlon," I mumbled, standing up but he pulled me back.

"Look, I'm talking right now and you probably don't give a shit but you're damn sure gonna listen," he said, sitting me back down in the chair.

I folded my arms and slightly laughed. "You're just as fucked up as your woman beating cousin," I told him.

"Nah I'm just trying to help y'all out. My Mama raised me not to put my hands on a female."

"His did too but you see ain't nothing change him, you're probably just the same," I replied.

"No, I've never put my hands on a female and I don't plan on it. No matter how mad I get at her I'm never gonna hit her, especially if I claim to love her. Shit, that ain't love and y'all know it," he said, standing up.

Nobody's Business (Urban) Book 2 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now