Version T Ending

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“This candy tastes good.” Deyanira complimented as she chewed the magically altered candy, “For a medical candy that had a purification spell performed on it, it tastes great.” Deyanira was eating the candy that Aubrey and Andy had made to try and stop the bomb—it was made special and Lieta put a purification spell on it.

“Thanks.” Aubrey said.

Deyanira swallowed the treat and sighed a happy sigh before looking at her arm…

Oh, shit!” Deyanira screamed, “It sped up!

What?” Lieta, Aubrey and Andy asked in unison.

Deyanira held up her arm to reveal that the timer went from about six hours, to five, to four.

Aubrey screamed. She couldn’t take the shock of it all.

Andy grabbed his sister because he predicted she was about to faint—he was right.

The timer was at three hours.

We’re about to die!” Deyanira screamed.

Two hours.

Lieta grabbed Deyanira’s arm and tried to use magic to stop the bomb, but it only sped up more.

Ten minutes.

Nine minutes.

Five minutes.

Lieta screamed and Deyanira fell to the ground.

Two minutes.

No!” Deyanira hollered, “Not after all this hard work!


Deyanira waited for the blow.

It didn’t come.

Deyanira looked at her arm and gasped when she saw that the timer was fading.

We’re not going to die!” Deyanira rejoiced as her friends began to stop freaking out and Aubrey was waking up.

“What?” Aubrey asked, barely conscious.

“The timer faded off my arm!” Deyanira said, “We’re all going to live!”

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