Version D Ending

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 “I’m sorry that I have to go, Mom.” Deyanira said as she hugged her mom, “I’ll miss you.” A tear escaped Deyanira’s eye as she let go of her mom, “I’ll miss you all.”

“We’ll miss you too.” Lieta said through tears as she reached out and hugged Deyanira.

Aubrey wiped her tears as Lieta released Deyanira. She couldn’t come up with anything to say so she just hugged Deyanira.

When Aubrey released her, Deyanira turned to Andy and opened her arms. Andy smiled and walked over to her and gave her a hug.

“Don’t hurt Lieta,” Deyanira whispered in Andy’s ear, “If you do I might just come back as a ghost just as Zaviera had and hurt you.”

Andy chuckled, “No need to worry about that, Deyanira. You know how I feel about her.”

“Good,” Deyanira whispered as she let go of Andy.

“I love you, Deyanira.” Deyanira’s mom said around sobs.

“I love you too, Mom.” Deyanira said. Deyanira gulped and turned towards the miniature rocket that Andy and Aubrey constructed. A stray tear rolled down Deyanira’s cheek as she walked over to the rocket.

“I’ll miss you all.” Deyanira said as she stared into the rocket, “I’ll do my best to pull a Zaviera and join you for a birthday ritual one day.”

Aubrey let a tiny chuckle escape amongst her tears.

Deyanira stepped inside the tiny rocket and positioned herself in the seat. It was comfortable.

The chair I’m going to die in is comfortable. Deyanira thought. The thought gave her a chill down her spine. She didn’t want to die but she knew that she had to.

“Close it up.” Deyanira said without emotion.

“Goodbye, sweetie.” Deyanira’s mom said as she and Lieta walked over to the rocket to close it up.

“Bye, Mom.” Deyanira said as the tears began to flood from her eyes. Lieta and Deyanira’s mom sniffled as they shut Deyanira inside.

As soon as the rocket was shut they stepped back about five feet away.

Andy picked up the remote for the rocket and flipped a bunch of switches. He was about to push the green button, but he hesitated.

“Isabel,” Andy said, “Would you like to send your daughter off or would you prefer for me to do it?”

“… Can I do it?” Isabel hesitated. She didn’t think that they would’ve let her send her daughter off of this planet.

“Sure you can,” Andy said with a tiny smiled, “Just press the big green button.” He held the remote out to her.

“Okay.” Isabel said as she took the remote. She looked at the remote then back up at the rocket. She hovered her finger over the button as she took a deep breath,

“Goodbye, sweetie.” She said for the last time before pushing the button.

As soon as the button was pressed, the rocket shot off out of the atmosphere.

Everyone looked up and watched as their old friend disappeared into space.

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