Version S Ending

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Now why should I help you… mortals?” Hades said from his point in the middle of the circle that Lieta created. They were in the middle of performing a ritual to Hades to try and find a way to stop the timebomb—quickly.

“W-well, you see, M-mr. Dark Lord, s-sir…” Aubrey stuttered.

Just spit it out already, girl!” Hades commanded.

Aubrey jumped and squeaked a sound of fear as she hid her face in her hands.

Hades just rolled his eye, “This is pathetic.”

“What would you want in exchange for helping us?” Deyanira questioned.

Hades turned towards Deyanira and said, “Well, currently my dear Persephone is with Demeter—it’s currently Demeter’s time in the year to have Persephone and, well, I don’t have all the perks I had when Persephone was around.” Hades grinned at Deyanira with lust behind his stare.

“What do you mean?” Deyanira asked.

Well, Persephone and I… We had fun. A lot of it. It was special—something that is a part of nature.” Hades chuckled slightly.

“Are you really trying to say that you want to take Deyanira with you so that she can be your sex-slave in Hell?” Andy angrily asked.

Hades turned towards Andy and said, “Well… Yes actually, I am trying to say that.” Hades let out a laugh.

“Oh, that’s not something I needed to hear!” Aubrey exclaimed as she covered her ears.

Hades burst into laughter.

Lieta looked over at Deyanira who was considering the bargain.

That’s a good one there, girl—‘not what I needed to hear’—ha!” Hades laughed.

Lieta mouthed, “Don’t do it” to Deyanira while slowly shaking her head.

Deyanira sighed and looked down, “Hades.”

Hades turned, “Yes, little bomb?

 “I’ll do it.”

What?” Andy, Aubrey, Lieta and Zaviera—who had been silent before now—all simultaneously said in shock.

 “Really?” Hades asked.

“Yes.” Deyanira said as she stood up, “Let’s go.”

Great!” Hades cheerfully said.

“No!” Lieta screamed.

“Deyanira, don’t go!” Andy commanded.

Aubrey cried as she said, “Deyanira—please!”

“This is a bad idea, Deyanira!” Zaviera warned.

“I don’t care if it’s a bad idea—it will save all of us.” Deyanira said, “Hades, just take me now.”

Alright, little bomb.” Hades said as he grabbed up Deyanira and disappeared into the darkness.

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