Version H Ending

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She’s gone insane!” Lieta said as she slammed shut Aubrey’s bedroom door. Aubrey and Andy are sitting at the computer.

“What?” Andy asked.

“Deyanira,” Lieta said with a tone of urgency ringing in her voice, “She’s gone in sane and she has a gun—she tried to kill me!”

She did what?” Andy asked as Aubrey asked, “She has what?” Both questions asked with equal fright and urgency.

“She has a gun and she tried to shoot me.” Lieta said, “She must’ve gone insane and now she’s mad at us.”

I KNOW YOU GUYS ARE IN THIS HOUSE SOMEWHERE—COME OUT!” Deyanira shrieked from the hallway.

Lieta quickly drew in her breath.

“We’re going to die.” Lieta said as quietly as she could.

BANG! A gunshot went off in the hallway.

WHERE ARE YOU GUYS HIDING—I AM GOING TO FIND YOU!” Deyanira screamed right outside Aubrey’s bedroom door.

“We’re not going to die,” Andy whispered as he took his sister and his girlfriend into his arms, “All three of us will be okay—I promise.”

Deyanira punched Aubrey’s bedroom door, “I KNOW YOU GUYS ARE IN THERE—I CAN SMELL YOUR FEAR!” Deyanira gripped the doorknob and nearly ripped the door off the hinges as she yanked it open, “Peek-a-boo, I see you!” With shaky hands, Deyanira lifted the gun and fired three shots.

Deyanira didn’t even check to see if she’d hit her targets before she turned around and held the gun up to her own head.


Deyanira fell over on the floor—dead.

Her blood stained the white carpet on Aubrey’s floor.

Aubrey immediately screamed and fainted at the sight of the blood and chunks of her friend’s brain scattered all over her floor.

Andy did his best to hold his sister up and carry her to her bed, but since her had a bullet lodged in his arm, it was difficult until Lieta helped.

“I can’t believe that you’re the only one that got shot.” Lieta said as she picked up the phone to call 911.

“It’s a miracle,” Andy said as he looked over Deyanira’s body, “Hey… The timer is gone…”

It is?” Lieta asked as she dialed the number.

“Yeah—it is!” Andy exclaimed.

“That’s amaz-” Lieta began, but was cut off when she heard the 911 operator, “Yes, I need an ambulance. My friend just went crazy, shot my boyfriend in the arm and then committed suicide. Please hurry!”

“Now it doesn’t matter how much surgery and how much pain I feel getting my arm fixed—it’s okay because the world is not going to be ending.”

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