Version P Ending

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“Ready to get the shot?” Lieta asks as she holds up the shot that Aubrey and Andy created. This is how they were going to stop the bomb—they would give Deyanira the shot that was supposed to have special chemicals in it that would stop the bomb from working.

“I’m ready,” Deyanira said confidently as she held out her arm, “Stick it in.”

Lieta stepped closer to Deyanira and found just where she needed to put the needle. She touched the needle to Deyanira’s skin and put just enough pressure on it to break the skin.

And it hurt.

Deyanira drew in a sharp breath as soon as the needle broke skin—this wasn’t your average shot. This needle was much more painful. It had the sting of a thousand bees. The pain was excruciating.

Deyanira thought it couldn’t get any worse, but she let out a scream as soon as the medicine entered her system—the medicine burned her veins.

Hurry up!” Deyanira screeched.

“Okay!” Lieta said in slight panic. She quickly squirted the rest of the medicine into Deyanira and yanked out the needle causing Deyanira to scream even louder.

No!” Aubrey yelled as she pointed at Deyanira’s marked arm “It’s speeding up!

The timer quickly skipped from five hours, to four hours, to three.

Lieta dropped the shot and said, “I’m so sorry!” With those words tears broke through and flooded out of her eyes.

“My heart rate’s picking up,” Deyanira said as calmly as she could in such a horrible situation, “We’re all going to die.

The timer quickly sped past the one hour mark and approached half an hour.

Aubrey screamed and fainted into her brother’s arms.

The timer got to 0:00:10, then suddenly stopped as if it wanted to make everyone suffer for just a little bit longer. Deyanira was breathing in quick gasps, Lieta was sobbing, Aubrey had fainted and Andy was holding up his fainted sister.

Suddenly, Deyanira’s heart rate slowed back to normal and she could breathe normally again. She looked down at the timer to see that it was slowly fading.

“W-we did it…” she said.


“Mom!” Deyanira hollered as she entered her house with her friends.

“What is it, Deyanira?” her mom asked as she entered the front hall.

“It’s gone!” Deyanira said as she held up her arm.

“That’s great!” Deyanira’s mom exclaimed as she reached out and hugged her daughter.

“Oh, and by the way, Deyanira,” Lieta said as the mother-daughter hug ended, “Happy birthday—what would you like to do first this year?”

Timebomb TattooWhere stories live. Discover now