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Deyanira yawns as she turns off the light in her room. She crawls into bed and cuddles up to her pillows as she drifts into sleep. She feels her eyes close and feels the darkness pull her into slumber.

As soon as the feelings of sleep come upon her, the hallucinations people call “dreams” flood into her mind. Deyanira sees flashing colors all over and then sees them suddenly stop, creating what would be a gorgeous background for a painting of a ghost. The colors blend into one another and Deyanira’s eyes focus on one small spot of white. Deyanira gently reaches out to touch her hand to the unpainted area.

As soon as Deyanira’s finger comes in contact with the white spot, a bright light suddenly appears and she instinctively raises her arms to cover her eyes.

When the light was gone Deyanira looked up to see Zaviera floating slightly above the ground.

“Zaviera?” Deyanira asked, “What are you doing here?”

“I have urgent news, “Zaviera quickly said, “I think I know how to stop the bomb.”

“Really? Tell me!”

“You need to sacrifice a lamb and share its blood with the gods.”

“Wait… I need to what?

Zaviera sighed, “You need to get a lamb, kill it, drink some of its blood, soak a spot on the earth in its blood, put all the rest in an offering bowl and sit the bowl where you soaked the earth.”

“You want me to drink blood? What do you think I am, a vampire?”

“No, I think you’re a timebomb that’s going to kill everyone if she doesn’t do this.”

Deyanira was about to make another remark when Zaviera’s image began to flicker.

“If this doesn’t work I’ll try my best to continue helping,” Zaviera quickly added, “Good luck, Deyanira!”

Deyanira blinked and Zaviera was gone. She closed her eyes again but when she opening them this time she was no longer in the colorful dream—she was in her room.

Deyanira sat up in bed, turned on the light, grabbed a pen and a sheet of paper and immediately began to write down what Zaviera told her.

Timebomb TattooWhere stories live. Discover now