Version O Ending

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“There,” Zaviera said as she held a knife out to Lieta, “I filled the athame with as much power as I can—you can now use it to open the portal.” Zaviera was only doing as she was instructed for the plan—they were going to send Deyanira to the fourth dimension so that she wouldn’t hurt anyone she loves. After all, the fourth dimension was uninhabited.

“Thanks for the help, Zaviera,” Lieta said as she took the athame, “Now, where should I open this portal…”

Deyanira swallowed as Lieta looked around for the perfect spot. Now was the time for her to say her goodbyes. She decided to start with Aubrey.

“Aubrey…” Deyanira said as she turned to her teary-eyed friend, “I’ll miss you.” She opened her arms to welcome a hug.

“I’ll miss you too!” Aubrey said as she hugged Deyanira. A tear rolled down Aubrey’s cheek as she released her friend.

Deyanira turned towards Andy and opened her arms. Andy half smiled before walking over and wrapping his arms around her in a hug.

“Don’t hurt Lieta,” Deyanira whispered into Andy’s ear,” If you do I might just have to pull a Zaviera and come back to hurt you.”

Andy chuckled, “No need to worry about that—you know how I feel about her.”

“Good.” Deyanira whispered and released Andy.

“Here!” Lieta exclaimed as she pushed the athame into a spot in space and pulled it down—opening a portal to the fourth dimension.

Deyanira smiled and said, “Good job, Lieta.”

“Thanks, Deyanira.” Lieta said as she pulled the athame out of the space where the portal was.

Deyanira walked over to Lieta and hugged her.

“I’ll miss seeing you fuck things up in chemistry class.” Lieta joked as a tear dripped out of her eye.

“I’ll miss fucking things up in chemistry class.” Deyanira laughed as she released Lieta. She smiled and dried her eyes before turning towards the portal.

Deyanira swallowed her tears before saying, “I’ll miss all of you—bye…” Deyanira reached a hand through the portal to try and grab onto something so that she could easier get her legs up and through, but there was nothing to grab hold of, so she merely held onto the sides of the portal as she dived in.



Deyanira opened her eyes to see that she was in a pure black room—the only stop in the darkness was her form. Deyanira looked down at the numbers up her arm. There was only about a minute left. 0:01:02 is what the timer read.

I’m about to die, Deyanira thought, I’m really about to die. Deyanira looked around for something that could possible stop the timer, but to no avail, she could find nothing and the timer was ticking on.


Tears began to form in her eyes—she didn’t want to die.


Deyanira cupped her hands over her face and fell onto her knees.


Deyanira screamed when the timer beeped—it was so loud. She didn’t know that when the timer neared when it was going to end that it would make noise.

0:00:15BEEP, BEEP!

Deyanira screamed once again, “I’m about to die!

0:00:10BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!

Deyanira began to hyperventilate as she realized how close her death really was.







Deyanira was dead.

The fourth dimension destroyed.

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