Version G Ending

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“Here’s the athame.” Lieta said as she held the knife out to Deyanira, “It’s got the most power in it and has been the most charged—it should work.”

Deyanira took the athame from Lieta and swallowed.

“I’ll miss you.” Aubrey said around sniffles and tears.

“I’ll miss you too, Aubrey.” Deyanira said as she hugged her friend.

“I’ll miss seeing you fuck things up in chemistry class.” Lieta chuckled around tears as Deyanira released Aubrey.

“I’ll miss fucking things up in chemistry class.” Deyanira laughed as she hugged Lieta.

Once Deyanira released Lieta, she turned to Andy. She smiled and held out her arms. Andy half smiled and walked up to her. He wrapped his arms around her in a hug.

“Don’t hurt Lieta,” Deyanira whispered into Andy’s ear, “If you do I might just have to pull a Zaviera and come back to hurt you.”

Andy chuckled, “I won’t—you know how I feel about her.”

“Good.” Deyanira whispered before releasing him and turning to her mother.

“Mom…” Deyanira trailed off. Her mother wiped her tears and walked up to Deyanira and hugged her tight. She didn’t want to let her daughter go.

Deyanira let tears flood from her eyes as she said, “I love you, Mom—I’ll miss you.”

“I love you too, sweetie,” Deyanira’s mom said, “I’ll miss you so much.”

Deyanira released her mother and turned away from everyone and started to walk towards the creek. She wiped tears from her eyes as she pulled the fake suicide note from her pocket that the police would find.

“I’ll miss all of you,” Deyanira said, “I’ll try my best to pull a Zaviera and show up during someone’s birthday ritual.”

“Bye, Deyanira…” Aubrey said.

“Bye, guys.” Deyanira wiped the tears from her eyes and ran to the creek.

Alright, Deyanira thought, It’s time to get this over with. Deyanira sat down by the water with the fake suicide note in her left hand and the athame in the other. She held the blade up in front of her face and studied the way it curved—she could almost already feel it piercing her skin and ripping her heart.

It’s time.

Deyanira held the athame out in front of her heart where the end of the blade barely touched her shirt. Without even thinking about it, Deyanira quickly and with all her strength jammed the knife into her flesh.

Immediately after the athame entered her body, the darkness took over and the timer faded.

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