Version L Ending

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“Here’s the athame,” Lieta said as she held a knife towards Deyanira, “It’s the same one we used on the sheep—I just put a lot more power into it and charged it more.”

Deyanira took the athame and said, “I don’t want to have to kill Torquil—I don’t want to kill anyone.”

“I know you don’t,” Lieta said, “But we have to sacrifice the one that loves you—that’s Torquil.”

“Now I’m just sorry that I never gave him a chance before… Maybe then I’d feel a little less bad about murdering him…”

“It’s going to be okay. If we didn’t do this he’d still die anyways—only this way his death will be quick and painless.” Lieta said, “Now go and get him—he’s probably waiting for you.”

“Okay.” Deyanira said.

“Good luck and call me when you finish so we can burn the body.” Lieta said before she ran off.

Deyanira turned and faced the field. She could see Torquil from here. She took a deep breath, stuffed the athame into her pocket and began walking towards Torquil.

“Torquil!” Deyanira said with fake excitement.

Torquil turned to face her, “Deyanira, it’s a pleasure to see your lovely face. The moonlight sparkles beautifully off your eyes.” Torquil walked up to Deyanira and opened his arms.

Deyanira smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck as her wrapped his arms around her torso in a gentle hug. Deyanira thought quickly and she slightly pulled back to see his face.

Torquil looked directly into Deyanira’s eyes. Deyanira slackened her hold around his neck and smiled. Ever so gently, Torquil leaned slightly towards Deyanira. Deyanira did the same.

Deyanira held him tight in the kiss as she slowly reached for the athame.

If I’m going to do it, I’m not going to let him have any idea that it’s coming. Deyanira thought as she gripped the handle of the athame. She slowly pulled the knife from her pocket and carefully positioned it in front of Torquil’s neck.

Thinking fast, Deyanira pulled Torquil closer to her and put as much passion into the kiss as she could manage to create. As soon as she was sure that he wasn’t expecting it, Deyanira quickly slit Torquil’s throat.

He didn’t feel a thing.

Torquil’s body went limp in Deyanira’s arms and just fell over onto the ground.

“I’m so sorry…” Deyanira said around sobs. She looked at her arm and saw that the timer was fading. She slumped to the ground beside Torquil.

“I’m sorry I had to do this, Torquil, but you’re now a hero. If I didn’t do this then we all would have died.” Deyanira sobbed. Deyanira sat on the ground for twenty more minutes before she wiped away the tears, got control of herself and called Lieta.


“He’s in the pit.” Andy said.

“Good.” Lieta said as she lit her lighter. She walked over to Torquil and lit his pants. After they caught fire she quickly backed away.

“Bye, Torquil…” Aubrey said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Deyanira was silent.

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