Version N Ending

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“This is going to hurt…” Deyanira said as Andy finished tying her to the post.

“Yes, it is, and I’m so sorry that we have to do this.” Andy said.

Deyanira sighed, “Please just get it over with as fast as you can…”

“Okay.” Andy said.

Aubrey sobbed in the background as Lieta lit the lighter.

“I’m sorry, Deyanira.” Lieta said as she lit Deyanira’s pants ablaze.

Deyanira screamed out in pain as the flames made contact with her skin.

Lieta and Andy quickly got away from the post and ran to Aubrey who was crying out to see her friend in pain. Aubrey wished that they didn’t have to do a burning alive ritual to stop the bomb—she wished it could’ve just been something simpler and less painful. Aubrey sobbed as she thought of how much pain her friend must be in at that moment—if Aubrey had been in that much pain she wouldn’t have been able to deal with it. She’d be screaming and crying and wishing that the pain would stop and that she could die faster. Aubrey sobbed more as she realized that that might be how Deyanira was feeling at that exact moment—wishing she could just die faster.

Lieta grabbed hold of Andy’s hand as she began to cry. She knew she was going to miss Deyanira. Deyanira had been her friend since elementary school—they’d been best friends for years. She was going to miss seeing her walk down the hallway between classes. She was going to miss watching her fuck things up in chemistry class. She was going to miss talking to her at lunch about things from classes to boys to what they were reading. She was going to miss having Deyanira there for the birthday rituals. Lieta was going to miss not seeing Deyanira nearly every day of her life. Lieta knew that this death was going to affect her more than anything ever before had. Lieta sobbed as Andy wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

Andy knew what Deyanira meant to Aubrey and Lieta. He knew that they were both going to miss their friends dearly. He knew that they were going to take a long time getting over their best friend’s death. He was sad too—just not as sad as they were. He kept telling himself that it had to happen—it was either Deyanira or everyone on Earth. He knew that Deyanira was dying with a purpose. He knew that this death wasn’t going to be just for nothing. He knew that Deyanira would be remembered—hell, she’ll be remembered as an unsolved murder with no body every It’s a sad thing to be remembered for, but it’s better than nothing. Even if no one but him, Aubrey, Lieta and Isabel—Deyanira’s mom—were the only ones that remembered Deyanira for the right reason it was okay—they remembered her and that was the only important thing.

Deyanira stopped screaming.

Deyanira was dead.

The timebomb, however, was not completely dead.

The timebomb had sped up, but its range died down from the burning.


The timebomb went off.

The only affected area was the pit of fire and Deyanira.

“Deyanira’s body!” Lieta hollered, “I-it exploded!

“Deyanira’s gone…” Aubrey said, “She’s completely gone…”

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