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“Alright, all the candles are set up correctly,” Lieta said as she held a small vial and a knife out to Deyanira, “Stand in the middle of the candles and use this athame to cut you palm and fill this vial with the blood.”

“Did you have to get a blood ritual?” Deyanira sighed as she took the athame and vial.

“Blood rituals are the most powerful so of course I got a blood ritual!” Lieta said with a slight note of irritation.

“Fine…” Deyanira sighed. She took the top off of the vial and put it in the pocket. She held the athame where the blade just barely touched the skin of her palm and took a deep breath before she pushed the blade down and slid it across her skin.

“If Aubrey was here she would’ve fainted as soon as I pulled out the knife…” Lieta stated as she watched Deyanira’s blood drip from the cut.

“There’s a good amount of blood.” Deyanira said as she held out the athame to Lieta who immediately took it. Deyanira held her bleeding hand over the opening in the vial and watched as the blood slowly dripped into the tiny glass container.

“Heh,” Deyanira chuckled, “Déjà vu.” She silently stood and listened to the sound of the blood dripping into the vial. Drip, drip, drip. The vial slowly filled. Drip, drip, drip. The blood in the vial was such a deep dark red color. Drip, drip, drip. The vial was almost full. Drip, drip, drip. Almost there… Drip, drip, drip. Full.

Deyanira looked at Lieta without moving her hand to stop the blood from dripping into the vial—she just let it continue to drip. Lieta opened up a bandage and took Deyanira’s wrist and pulled the bloody hand closer to her before applying to bandage to the cut.

Once the bandage was on, Deyanira reached into her pocket and got out the top to the vial and put it on the vial before handing the container over to Lieta.

Lieta opened the vial and walked around to each candle pouring about one fifth of the blood into each candle saying the name of the element the candle represented and what it’s meant to help with as she poured the blood in.

When she finished she sat the vial on the ground behind her and stood in front of the candle that represented the element spirit.

Deyanira swallowed as she waited for Lieta to begin speaking the incantation:

O holy blood.

Let Deyanira free.

Of her wretched curse.

Set thy free.

Lieta repeated the incantation twice more before opening her eyes and looking at Deyanira.

Deyanira began to smile when all the candles suddenly blew out.

“… Is that supposed to happen..?” Deyanira hesitantly asked.

“No…” Lieta said, “It-it didn’t work…”

Deyanira bit her lip slightly before sighing, “Great… What’re we going to do now?

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