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“Lieta, I am sick of meditating for hours a night with no results!” Deyanira complained to Lieta as she followed Lieta around her home, “You should’ve found the spell books by now! What is taking so long?”

“I’m sorry if I can’t find them, Deyanira,” Lieta said, “I’ve been looking—fuck, I’m looking right now and I can’t find them!”

“Then look harder!” Deyanira commanded.

“I can’t!” Lieta said as she looked once more on the bookshelf.

“Since when do you say ‘can’t?’” Deyanira questioned as she grabbed one of the books off of the bookshelf, “I mean-”

“Holy shit!” Lieta said as the floor beneath them began moving, “What the hell?”

Deyanira looked at the book she’d grabbed off to see that imprinted on the front of the book in all capital letters was the word key.

“This book is a key…” Deyanira said as she showed Lieta the book, “Wow…” Deyanira looked up to see the room that they’d ended up in to see what looked like a library full of books about The Craft and a huge collection of tools for spells and rituals, “Damn—that’s a whole lot of stuff your grandma had!”

Lieta looked up from the book, “Holy shit! I mean, I knew my grandma had a lot of stuff and had high quality… but damn! This is a lot more than I was expecting!” Lieta handed Deyanira the book and stepped further into the room, “Give me two weeks and I’ll find a good spell, learn it and be ready to perform it.”

“Okay—you better be ready by then.”

“I will be.”

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