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“Here, sit down.” Aubrey said as she pulled up two chairs for Deyanira and Lieta, “We got quite a bit of information about timebombs already—we still have a lot to get though.”

“Alright,” Deyanira said, “I don’t care about the basics of timebombs—just tell us about stopping it.”

“We don’t have very much about that yet,” Andy said, “But we do have some information about stopping them.”

“That’s great.” Lieta said with a smile as she scooted her seat closer to Andy.

Andy smiled and said, “If you’ll look here,” he clicked on a bookmarked website and scrolled down on the screen a little bit, “You’ll see that we have found some instructions for detonating bombs.”

“It’s not very detailed though.” Aubrey quietly added.

“Yeah,” Andy said, “It’s not very detailed at all.”

“Well then just keep doing research for now.” Lieta said as she placed her right hand on Andy’s free hand, “I’m sure that you’ll find something.”

“But what am I supposed to do? Just sit around knowing that I’m going to explode and just not do anything at the time?” Deyanira complained.

“No,” said Lieta, “You can try some meditation. Meditation is good for calming nerves and maybe it will slow down the bomb.”

“And while I’m meditating, you can look through your grandma’s stuff to find her spell books and get one that has a powerful spell to lift curses.” Deyanira commanded.

“That’s actually a really good idea,” Andy said as he squeezed Lieta’s hand, “It may just show some nice results.”

“Maybe…” Lieta said, “I’ll look.”

“Great,” Deyanira said, “Let’s all begin our tasks now,” Deyanira stood up and left the room saying, “I’m heading home to where I can meditate where it’s quiet.”

Timebomb TattooWhere stories live. Discover now