Meet me at the airport in thirty minutes.

Time flies..

We can get through this. Somehow, we always do.


I stopped by my dorm before heading to the airport. Just to freshen up a bit, and drop off my books and laptop. I wasn't ready for this. Not at all actually, but this was life. And life wasn't exactly meeting eye to eye with me.

I left the dorm, already wanting to bawl my eyes out. But I took an uber down to the airport. Biting my lips intensely the entire time, and grinding my teeth.

When I got there. One of the first people I saw was Evinor; god.. not Katherine. I approached the two, with a frown, "What are you two doing here."

"Same as you. Saying goodbye to this sloth," Evinor assured, and gave me a random hug, "Kat here had a crush on him, I love him, and you are in love with him. So we all have a reason to be here."

"If you don't mind. I really want to talk to Cole alone," I looked down at my hands sadly, "This is a lot for me to handle. I just need to be alone with him one more time."

They both nodded, and stepped away from me as I walked through the crowd. Seeing him turned around, looking at the flight timings.


He turned around, and I could already see the gentle tears in his eyes. He ran as fast as he could my direction and lifted me off the ground, "Nova."

"I don't like this," I chuckled, trying to hold back my tears as he held me in his arms, "Don't go.."

"I have to."

"You're right. Don't listen to me, this is your life," I double took, "Im just a school girl crush you used to have. That you need to move on from."

"Stop.." He frowned and kissed me, "You're not just some school girl. You're my life."

"You're mine too. That's why this is so hard," I shook my head, and tried to keep my cool, "So. What's going to happen?"

"I'm going to get on this plane. You're going to live your life as you did, meet someone better than me. And I'm going to live my life also. You're going to grow old, have babies, and experience all of the things you never got to do with me," He held his breath, and tucked my messy hair behind my ear, "You're going to be the beautiful women you are."

I just sat in his arms. Staring into his deep brown eyes, and letting the earth take us in. This was it. We'd never see each other, not even in another year at a coffee shop. Never again.

"You're going to do the same. Promise?" I gently placed my hands against his cheeks, and my nose against his, "Meet someone better than me. Who doesn't get jealous, or be annoying. Someone perfect."

He looked like he wanted to respond with something like, "No ones better than you," But he licked his lips and simply nodded.

"The plane leaves in ten minutes. I should get situated," He scoffed. Dylan appeared behind him, with a smirk attached to his face.

"You won't believe who I just found making out," He laughed, but I didn't want him to be around us. "Louis and Harry! I always knew those two would end up gay."

I nearly chocked hearing him say that. What was that supposed to mean? Louis was really into me when we where together. Maybe he was experimenting, and realized he was gay along the way.

"Ha, and they used to make fun of me," Cole grimaced, and made Dylan leave us alone, "Anyways. I should get going."

"Yeah, you're right."

He gave me one last kiss before boarding the distinct airplane. This couldn't have been it. How could he just leave without saying barely anything?

"Wait Cole," I ran up to him again. Crying my eyes out, and wrapping my arms tightly around him, "I'll come. Who the fuck cares if I have an education— I'll come."

"No you won't. Remember what I said? This is your life, I can't take that away from you."

"It's not your decision. I'm coming with you!" I tugged at his grey coat, indicating that I wasn't kidding.

"Even if you did come. You don't have a ticket, we leave in six minutes," He pointed at the clock, that hung from a post. I wanted to throw up, watching it count down.

"I'll catch another flig-"

"No," He grasped my arms tightly, "You'll stay here. You won't come with me. Promise me that. I don't want your whole life to revolve around me— you're a much better person than I am."

"How could you say that?!" I bawled, ripping myself away from him and clutching my hair tightly— ready to rip it out. My sobs where so loud, most people where looking at us, "Just stop being a dick! You love me!"

"Stop giving me a guilt trip.. this is my fault, but you have to stay here; that's final!" He shouted, and walked away from me. But of course, the first thing I thought to do was yank him back.

"Give me one last kiss."

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