35- Katherine.

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A/N— Hey guys. This Chapter is a little longer than usual, by about 200 or so words. Make sure to vote and comment something because I love reading your comments. Also, don't be pissed off. Lol.

Cole Sprouse

One subject has been running throughout my mind lately. I know it sounds very stupid— but you only live once. And why not spend the rest of your life with the person you love. You know what I'm thinking? I'm seriously considering asking Nova to marry me.

No.. if I do end up asking her to marry me like I once did, it would definitely have to be romantic. Not something idiotic like showing up at her dorm with roses. I'm not that type of person. Every step I takes on this earth, has to be huge and full out. I won't regret doing this; at least I hope.

"Want it?" Some guy with dreadlocks approached me, taking a seat and handing me a cigarette. Just starting at the damn thing made me dead inside. But it also reminded men of all of the things I've sacrificed to keep my relationship.

"Nah, sorry man," I sighed, and looked away from the apparent intoxicated guy, "I had to quite smoking, and doing other things. It wasn't something I wanted to do. But I needed to."

"How'd you do it? Or.. why'd you do it?" He questioned.

"For the girl I love. I just put her before anything else," I exclaimed, "I don't regret it. Maybe you should do the same."

"Can you just stop with the lovey-Dubby shit?" He suddenly growled, and stood up. Flicking the cigarette smoke in my face, "You're a great guy and all. But once someone tries to help me, I get pissed."

"Jee, sorry I was just trying to be friendly," I rolled my eyes, and continued to look off into the sunset, "You know, I used to be a badass. I don't know what happened to me."

"Sometimes it's good to let your inner badass show."

"Right," I chuckled, "I'm going to the bar. I need to figure things out."

"Right behind'cha," The way he said that made me chuckle. And I walked to a nightclub near the college Nova attended. He was right, I needed to let loose— and stop trying to hard to be someone I wasn't. Although that technically wasn't what he said.

I took a seat at the bar, letting my head lean against my hands as I looked at the large number of drinks, "Can I get two margaritas?" I asked the bartender.

"I don't think you're going to get drunk off of margaritas that easily," She chuckled, and started to pour the drinks, "After these. I'll give you whiskey for free."

"You'd do that for me," I fluttered my eyelashes and smirked, "Aw, you're a sweet girl."

"So, what's your name? I haven't seen you around here before. And usually the same people come around," She exclaimed, and ran her fingers through her brown hair.

"Cole Sprouse. I'm surprised you haven't heard of me, I'm a big deal," I joked around, and took a sip of my drink.

"Wait, the Cole Sprouse? Oh my fucking god, this is the best day of my life. I'm seriously your biggest fan. I love to eat chicken, while I stare at your abs," She shrieked. But just by that, I could tell how serious she wasn't.

"Hey, are you making fun of me," I blushed, and so did she.

"I may have exaggerated a ton, but I know who you are. And about the chicken, I was eating chicken at some cafe. And I just happened to see a billboard of you across the street."

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