04- Small Habbit.

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Nova Dillon

The book I was reading was avulsing me. It's about a couple by the name of Lindsey and Delton. I may not seem like the type of girl who would read, or be necessarily into books. But I genuinely love to read, thinking about what my life could be years from now. Either superior or atrocious. Most likely atrocious...

As for the boy who smothered me with kisses the night before.. well, I didn't know what to think about Cole Sprouse. I guess you could say my feelings where mixed. Therefore I wanted to continue having a decent friendship with the guy as long as I could.

If he could prove to me that he could be an immaculate boyfriend, then I might suggest dating him.

But enough about him, let's talk about my dashing day.

I awoke this morning to someone knocking on my door harshly. I was the only one in the vintage home as I tried to regain full vision.

Once I do so, I quickly jump out of the ruffled bed, and into my bathroom to run a brush through my hair. After brushing my hair, I do casual stuff such as brushing my teeth.

I rushed downstairs and grabbed my backpack. All I could hear where loud stomps echoing throughout the house as I took each step.

I finally opened the door. Relieved to find Cole, standing tall at my doorstep. His dark brown hair dangling in his face, and it was all just so mesmerizing.

His lips curled when he saw me. But being the awkward slob I was, forced a smile.

"I'm sorry for getting you in trouble yesterday," He finally spoke, "But I'm so happy to see you! Even though we aren't dating."

"Exactly, we totally aren't dating. Just casual friends."

"Casual friends who maybe made out yesterday," he shrugs and grabs ahold of my hand, but I wasn't sure If I agreed with the matter, "I'll walk you to school."

"So, how has your day been so far?" I change the subject.

"I woke up, changed, then came here," he explained, "Do you like my outfit?"

"Yeah, it's cute," I eyed his red buttoned up shirt and black pants. He might've had nothing, but his style was professional.

  Out of the blue, he pulls me into his lips, "We're so good at friendly kissing now aren't we," oh good boy, no, no.

"Cole, we should get going," I interrupted, and he gave me a look of disappointment, "Sorry. I'm just a school girl. Always wanting to get good grades and be on time."

"You're right. I just came here to pick you up," He shrugged, "You look beautiful by the way."

We held hands and walked along the sidewalk. He may have ruined the moment just a tiny bit by pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

"Cole, can I ask you something?" I brought up a conversation. Trying to ignore the smoking.

"What is it?" He yawned, "Also, I'm sorry for rushing into things. That's exactly what you didn't want."

"It's alright, we're just friends remember?" I shrug.

"We should really talk about what's going on between us. Friends don't exactly kiss the way we do," he stops walking and steps in front of me, "It's been three days now, I'm not expecting you to consider us being in an actual relationship."

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