"You're right. I was just seeing how you'd react," She snickered, and gave me the finger, "How about you chose a song, and I'll try very hard not to laugh my brains out."

"Good. My song selection, I guarantee will be better than you could ever come up with," I puckered my lips, then scrolled through my playlist to find a song I enjoyed, "Pretty/Unpretty from Glee. That's my favorite show."

She burst into laughter— of course, and I started slapping her arm, "You've got to be kidding me! That's so gay I-"

"Don't say another word. We're doing it, I'll do Rachel's part and you'll do Quinn's part. It's clear you've watched glee before, or else you wouldn't know this song."

"Oh, wonderful. It's alright, I love that damn show," She chuckled, and for once I actually saw through her.

"I love Supernatural also," I had to mention, "Every once in a while I have a fantasies about Dean and I.."

"Oh wow; Anyways, I don't mind doing that song. It'll be funny anyways— and in the show Quinn and Rachel don't exactly get along. And neither do we," She pointed out the obvious, "But maybe that can change."

"You're joking right? Two seconds ago you where getting on my nerves, and now you want to be friends?"

"Actually.. scratch that. I'm getting all soft, and that's not what I do," She shook her head, then pulled out her phone.

"God, Evinor number two," I mumbled to myself, and pictured the two in my dorm drinking whine and getting along great.

"Excuse me," She grunted once she heard me mutter, "Did you say Evinor? Funny. She's actually one of my best friends."

"I know. She's my roommate, and once Cole started talking about you— she knew exactly who you where."

Her eyes slightly widened, "C-Cole was talking about me? What did he say?"

"Don't get all cheery hot stuff.. he didn't say anything nice. You forgot I'm his girlfriend," I snickered, and thought of how they'd never have a chance together.

She let out a deep sigh, and rolled her eyes, "He was all over me last night. I'm surprised he'd say something rude about me, after we kissed multiple times."

I bit down on my tongue hard, and scowled, "What?.. wait, he was drunk. He didn't know what he was doing."

"Did he remember my name? I said it quietly. And if he remembered it, he couldn't have been that drunk."

"Whatever.." I interjected, and continued to mind my own business. Her on the other hand. Not so much.

"He remembered it didn't he? Just as I thought. He's too foolish to be committed into a relationship— technically that's cheating. But you gotta cut him some slack. Because he stormed off afterwards saying he had a girlfriend."

"It doesn't matter. He did this to me once, I'm not doing to him," I took a deep breath in, and submitted my essay. Grabbing my lap top and rushing across the room away from this dumb bitch.

"Tell me. What did you do to him?"

"We'll do the project next class. I can't stand being around you— especially when Cole's leaving today," I exclaimed, and left the room. Gladly she didn't follow.

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